Modernize Health Benefit Exchange Governance
Precipitation Harvesting Storm Water Detention
Planting of Uncertified Potatoes
Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance
Agricultural Applicator Aviation Fuel Tax Refund
Report No. 2024-TE7
Agricultural Applicator Aircraft Fuel Tax Exemption
Report No. 2019-TE15
Note: A more recent evaluation was issued in August 2024. Click HERE to access the August 2024 report.
Excise Tax Evaluations
Colorado levies excise taxes on a variety of goods and activities, including motor and aviation fuel, cigarettes and tobacco products, marijuana and marijuana products, liquor, gaming, nicotine products, and sports betting.
Protect Vulnerable Road Users
Overview of Mill Levy Override Match Program
This memorandum discusses the Mill Levy Override Match Program, as well as concerns about the current framework and potential solutions and alternatives that have been discussed. The MLO Match Program Task Force created in House Bill 24-1448 is charged with recommending changes to the program,...
Creation of 911 Services Enterprise
Public Employees' Workplace Protections
Ballot Analysis Drafts & Deadlines
The preparation of the ballot information booklet by the Legislative Council Staff involves writing and distributing for public comment several drafts of an analysis for each statewide ballot measure. The analysis must...
2023-2024 Initiative#119 - Concerning the Conduct of Elections
Requests for Proposals
The OSA uses public accounting firms, consulting firms, and other independent contractors to help fulfill its audit and other responsibilities. Contracted services may be broad in scope, such as performing an entire audit, evaluation, or study.
More Uniform Local Massage Facilities Regulation
Racial Equity Study
Noncurricular Time Programs
Funding for Rural Health Care
Special Sessions of the Colorado General Assembly
List of Special Sessions of the Colorado General Assembly Since Statehood.
Office of the State Auditor
(NOTE: This section is hidden. In order to show it, please contact LIS.)
The Office of the State Auditor (OSA) is a constitutionally created, independent government agency that was established to promote operational efficiency and to ensure...
Overview of Colorado’s Enterprise Zone Program
This memorandum describes the process for designating Colorado Enterprise Zones and Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zones, the tax expenditures available for investing in designated enterprise zone areas, and the administration and certification process of enterprise zones tax credits.
2024B Digest of Bills
The Office of Legislative Legal Services prepares the Digest of Bills and Concurrent Resolutions as required under section 2-3-504, C.R.S. The Digest consists of summaries of all bills and concurrent resolutions enacted by the Seventy-fourth General Assembly at its Second Extraordinary Session...
Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning Colorado Jail Standards
The oversight committee maintains and updates Colorado jail standards, reviews reports from the Jail Standards Advisory Committee, and recommends legislation on jail standards and operations.