Career Development Success Program Expansion
Workforce development - career development success program. The act amends the existing career development success pilot program (program), which provides a distribution of up to $1,000 to school districts and charter schools for each high school student who successfully completes an identified industry-certificate, internship, or pre-apprenticeship program or computer science advanced placement course. The act limits the distribution for industry certificates for a single school district or charter school to 10% of the total number of completed industry certificates reported.
The act requires each school district and charter school that participates in the program to explain the program to all high school students with the goal of increasing participation in the industry certificate programs across all student subgroups. Before passage of the act, the department of education was required to report on the implementation of the program. The act expands the report to include specified information. The act extends the repeal date for the program for 5 years and removes the designation of "pilot".
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)