Establish Colorado Fire Commission
Colorado fire commission - creation - powers and duties - repeal - appropriation. The Colorado fire commission (commission) is created in the division of fire prevention and control in the department of public safety. The commission's purpose is to enhance public safety in Colorado through an integrated statewide process focused on the fire service's capacity to conduct fire management and use, preparedness, prevention, and response activities to safeguard lives, property, and natural resources, and increase the resiliency of local and regional communities. The commission is charged with developing an accurate understanding of Colorado's fire problems, reviewing the current emergency fire fund program, evaluating the funding mechanisms for effective response to large fires, assessing the capacity of the state to provide emergency fire support and technical expertise to local communities, developing performance measures of overall response effectiveness, strengthening statewide and regional coordination, developing best practice recommendations related to high-risk occupancies, developing and publishing an assessment of fire treatment costs and cost distribution, developing methodical approaches to Colorado's fire service concerns, and forecasting upcoming funding and resource challenges. The commission may establish task forces to study and make recommendations on specific subjects within the commission's areas of study. The commission is repealed, effective September 1, 2024, and is subject to a sunset review prior to its repeal.
The act appropriates $174,183 to the department of public safety for use by the division of fire prevention and control for the implementation of the act.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)