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Notice Procedure for Rule Review Issues

At the request of the Committee on Legal Services, the Office of Legislative Legal Services has a written policy on the notification of affected state agencies and the public that a rule issue will be on the agenda of the Committee on Legal Services as a result of the review of rules by the staff pursuant to section 24-4-103, C.R.S. The policy is as follows:

  • The OLLS staff will discuss any issues about rules with the agency contact person designated by the agency or with any persons in the agency or the attorney general's office to whom the contact person refers the staff.
  • If the issue is not resolved with the agency contact person or persons, at the time that the decision is made by OLLS staff that the issue will be on the committee's agenda, the OLLS staff will send a written notice by e-mail to the executive director, the division director, if applicable, the legislative liaison, and the contact person with whom OLLS has been discussing the rule. The notice will inform the agency directors, the legislative liaison, and the contact person(s) that a rule issue will be on the committee agenda, provide the date and time of the meeting, and indicate whether it is contested or, if the agency's position is not known, request the agency's response on whether the matter will be contested or not. The notice will inform them that the agenda and memo will be available 7 days prior to the meeting. Notice examples are available here: Status Unknown, Uncontested, and Contested.
  • After the agenda and memo are finalized by the OLLS staff, the staff will e-mail the agenda and the memo to the executive director, the division director, the legislative liaison, and the contact person(s). During the interim, this will be done at least 7 days prior to the COLS meeting. During the session, the posting of an agenda or scheduling of a COLS meeting may occur with less than 7 days notice, but the agency will be given the memo for a rule issue at least seven days prior to a meeting.
  • After the agenda and memo are finalized by the OLLS staff, they will be posted on the OLLS Internet homepage and the agenda will be posted physically around the Capitol building.
  • The staff will e-mail the COLS members that the agenda and memos are on the Office website. The agenda and memos will be mailed to the COLS members.
  • A list of interested parties who wish to receive an e-mail notification that the COLS has an upcoming meeting will be created and maintained. The e-mail will give the recipient information on how to obtain the agenda and memos. Click here to subscribe or unsubscribe from the COLS mailing list.

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