No Encryption Of Dispatch Radio Communications
Radio Communications Policies Of Gov Entities
Cyber Coding Cryptology For State Records
Protections For Consumer Data Privacy
Measures to Address Law Enforcement Accountability
Bitcoin Dealers Licensed As Money Transmitters
Cloud Technical Solutions
This memorandum will define cloud solutions and summarize the advantages and disadvantages.
Medication Mental Illness In Justice Systems
Court System For Remote Participation In Hearings
Blockchain Agriculture And Uniform Commercial Code
FY 2017-18 Information Technology Capital Budget Requests
State Digital Trunked Radio Systems (2016)
This memorandum discusses Colorado’s Digital Trunked Radio System (DTRS). The first section of the memorandum highlights the history and members of DTRS. The next section describes the components of DTRS. The final section notes the funding history of DTRS.
Colorado State Capitol Building Public Wifi
As of April 5, 2010, everyone with appropriately configured wireless devices will have access to free wireless internet while in the Colorado State Capitol. Please read the following document before using the service. Also, please note the Troubleshooting and Additional FAQ's link below, as well...
Subject Index of Introduced Bills 2019
Audit of Three Information Technology Systems at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
The links on this page provide access to the publicly available version of this report.
In accordance with Section 2-3-103(2), C.R.S., a second confidential report was not publicly released by the Legislative Audit Committee at its September 2017 hearing due to the IT...