Colorado Youth Advisory Council Updates
The act changes the deadline to appoint nonlegislative members to the Colorado youth advisory council (council) and removes the requirement that nonlegislative members be selected by a majority vote of the council.
The act repeals the requirement to appoint council co-chairs and vice-chairs, requires the council to adopt written bylaws setting forth a leadership structure for the council, and clarifies that the council can elect members to serve in any leadership position described in its bylaws. The act requires that 2 of the council's 4 meetings each year be held in person.
The act changes the council's annual reporting requirement so that the council reports to the Colorado youth advisory council review committee (review committee) during the interim. The act requires the chair of the review committee and the chair of the legislative council to sign council contracts and requires the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives to appoint the chair and vice-chair of the review committee on an annually alternating basis.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)