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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

Sunset Continue Licensing Of Athletic Trainers

Concerning the continuation of the regulation of athletic trainers by the department of regulatory agencies.
2021 Regular Session
Health Care & Health Insurance
Professions & Occupations
Bill Summary

The act continues the "Athletic Trainer Practice Act" (practice act) and the licensing of athletic trainers by the director of the division of professions and occupations in the department of regulatory agencies for 10 years, until 2031. The act also makes the following substantive changes to the practice act:

  • Allows athletic trainers to practice only under the supervision of a licensed physician or physician assistant;
  • Broadens the range of available disciplinary measures to include letters of admonition, confidential letters of concern, and probationary periods;
  • Imposes a 2-year waiting period before an athletic trainer whose license has been revoked or who has surrendered a license in lieu of disciplinary proceedings may reapply for a license; and
  • Updates the grounds for discipline based on alcohol or drug use to conform to current standards and terminology.
    (Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)


Became Law


Bill Text

  • All Versions (7 )
    Date Bill Type Documents
    05/22/2021 Signed Act PDF
    05/11/2021 Final Act PDF
    05/05/2021 Rerevised PDF
    05/04/2021 Revised PDF
    03/30/2021 Reengrossed PDF
    03/29/2021 Engrossed PDF
    03/01/2021 Introduced PDF