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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Accessibility Standards in Building Codes

Concerning the requirement that certain building codes have accessibility standards that are at least as stringent as international building codes.
2025 Regular Session
Local Government
Bill Summary

Beginning January 1, 2026, the bill requires a local government that adopts or substantially amends a building code to ensure that the building code meets or exceeds the accessibility standards in international building codes. The bill clarifies that adoption of the energy-efficient building codes does not constitute a substantial amendment to the building codes for purposes of the bill and that the accessibility standards adopted by a board of county commissioners cannot provide less protection than what is required by the federal "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990". The bill exempts the accessibility standard requirements for one- and 2-family dwellings and townhomes that comply with the International Residential Code, as adopted by the International Code Council, or that comply with a local building code, which code's accessibility standards are equivalent to the accessibility standards in the International Residential Code.

The bill also requires the division of fire prevention and control within the department of public safety to ensure that, when certain building codes pertaining to public school and heath facilities are substantially amended, the codes meet or exceed accessibility standards in international building codes.

The bill requires the state housing board to ensure that, when the uniform construction and maintenance standards for hotels, motels, and multiple dwellings in jurisdictions with no local building code are substantially updated, the standards meet or exceed the accessibility standards in international building codes. The bill also requires the state housing board to ensure that, when the recommendations for uniform housing standards and building codes to the general assembly and local governments are substantially updated, the codes meet or exceed the accessibility standards in international building codes.

(Note: Italicized words indicate new material added to the original summary; dashes through words indicate deletions from the original summary.)

(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)


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