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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

Public Access Landlocked Publicly Owned Land

Concerning authorizing an individual to move between two adjacent parcels of public land that touch at the corners, and, in connection therewith, creating a task force to study the issue of access to public lands that are blocked by privately owned lands and making an appropriation.
2023 Regular Session
Courts & Judicial
Natural Resources & Environment
Bill Summary

Section 1 of the bill authorizes an individual to move from one corner of public land to another corner of public land where 2 public parcels meet 2 private parcels and share a common border, without being liable for criminal or civil trespass, if:

  • 2 parcels of public land touch so that the individual can reasonably step from one parcel of public land to the other parcel of public land, or if there's a fence, could make the step as if there were not a fence;
  • The individual moves over private land only as much as necessary to cross from one parcel of public land to the other;
  • The individual does not step on or stand on the privately owned land or touch a fence on or other improvement to the privately owned land, but the individual may use mechanical means to move over the privately owned land; and
  • The individual does not use a vehicle other than a wheelchair to cross over the private land.

This authorization does not apply to the following:

  • Moving over an improvement to public land that is designed to be occupied by individuals;
  • Entering public land to use it in a way that violates the law;
  • Moving over public land that the governing entity has prohibited the general public from entering or has controlled access to.

Section 1 also prohibits a landowner from erecting an improvement to such a corner that is more than 54 inches high within 4 feet of the corner. Section 2 requires a court to dismiss a trespass tort if the defendant has complied with section 1. A successful defendant is awarded costs, including attorney fees. Section 3 instructs the parks and wildlife commission to promulgate rules codifying the actions allowed in section 1. The division of parks and wildlife will publicize the rules.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)




Bill Text