Red Book Footnotes 2018
1. This provision was passed in an act with a nonstatutory short title.
2. This provision was passed in an act with a nonstatutory legislative declaration.
3. This provision was passed in an act with an applicability clause.
4. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on the day following the expiration of the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly (August 8, 2018, if adjournment sine die is on May 9, 2018); except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within such period, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor.
5. Identical.
6. This section of Senate Bill 18-027 takes effect 180 days after the effective date of section 2 of this act.
7. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect October 1, 2018; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor.
8. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from part 6 of article 35 of title 24.
9. This part was repealed and relocated to article 33 of title 44.
10. This part was added with amended provisions relocated from article 37.5 of title 12.
11. This article was repealed and relocated to part 7 of article 22 of title 13.
12. This part was added with amended provisions relocated from article 26 of title 12.
13. This article was repealed and relocated to part 4 of article 12 of title 18.
14. This part was added with amended provisions relocated from article 26.1 of title 12.
15. This article was repealed and relocated to part 5 of article 12 of title 18.
16. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from part 3 of article 55 of title 12.
17. This part was repealed and relocated to article 27 of title 13.
18. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from parts 1, 2, 3, and 5 of article 6 of title 12.
19. This part was added with amended provisions relocated from part 4 of article 6 of title 12.
20. This article was repealed and relocated to article 20 of title 44 and part 24 of article 4 of title 42.
21. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from article 47.1 of title 12.
22. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from article 47.2 of title 12.
23. This article was repealed and relocated to article 30 of title 44.
24. This article was repealed and relocated to article 31 of title 44.
25. Senate Bill 18-030 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-034, House Bill 18-1023, House Bill 18-1024, House Bill 18-1025, and House Bill 18-1027.
26. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from part 4 of article 35 of title 24.
27. This part was repealed and relocated to article 6 of title 44.
28. House Bill 18-1105 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-133 IP (1).
29. House Bill 18-1105 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-133 (1)(d).
30. House Bill 18-1105 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-133 (1)(e).
31. House Bill 18-1105 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-423 (2).
32. House Bill 18-1105 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-430.
33. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from part 2 of article 35 of title 24.
34. This part was repealed and relocated to article 40 of title 44.
35. Senate Bill 18-034 harmonized with House Bill 18-1027.
36. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from article 60 of title 12.
37. This article was repealed and relocated to article 32 of title 44.
38. House Bill 18-1024 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-035 and relocated to section 44-33-103 (1).
39. House Bill 18-1024 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-035 and relocated to section 44-33-107 (1).
40. Senate Bill 18-034 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024.
41. This act was passed without a safety clause. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 5 of this act take effect July 1, 2022, and the remainder of this act takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on the day following the expiration of the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly (August 8, 2018, if adjournment sine die is on May 9, 2018); except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within such period, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor; except that sections 1, 2, 3, and 5 of this act take effect July 1, 2022.
42. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from part 5 of article 35 of title 24.
43. This part was repealed and relocated to article 7 of title 44.
44. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from article 43.3 of title 12.
45. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from article 43.4 of title 12.
46. This article was repealed and relocated to article 11 of title 44.
47. This article was repealed and relocated to article 12 of title 44.
48. Senate Bill 18-105 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-202 (3)(a)(I)(G).
49. Senate Bill 18-105 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(IV)(H).
50. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect November 1, 2018; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor.
51. Senate Bill 18-035 superseded by House Bill 18-1024.
52. Senate Bill 18-035 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024 and relocated to section 44-32-507 (1)(w).
53. Senate Bill 18-035 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024 and relocated to section 44-32-514.
54. Amendments to this provision will not take effect due to the repeal of article 14 of title 12, effective August 9, 2017.
55. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect January 1, 2019; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on January 1, 2019, or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor, whichever is later.
56. House Bill 18-1095 harmonized with House Bill 18-1130.
57. Amendments to this provision will not take effect due to the repeal of article 9 of title 12, effective May 23, 2017.
58. House Bill 18-1138 harmonized with House Bill 18-1140.
59. Senate Bill 18-074 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-096.
60. House Bill 18-1141 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-099.
61. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from sections 23-5-111.4, 23-7-108, 23-7-108.5, and 23-7-108.6.
62. This section was repealed and relocated to section 23-7.4-302.
63. This section was repealed and relocated to section 23-7.4-202.
64. This section was repealed and relocated to section 23-7.4-203.
65. This section was repealed and relocated to section 23-7.4-204.
66. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from article 47 of title 12.
67. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from article 46 of title 12.
68. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from article 48 of title 12.
69. This article was repealed and relocated to article 4 of title 44.
70. This article was repealed and relocated to article 3 of title 44.
71. This article was repealed and relocated to article 5 of title 44.
72. House Bill 18-1026 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-105 (2)(c).
73. House Bill 18-1024 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-103 (42).
74. House Bill 18-1024 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (6)(n)(I).
75. Senate Bill 18-067 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-107.
76. Senate Bill 18-067 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-409 (1)(a)(I).
77. Senate Bill 18-067 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 IP (1).
78. Senate Bill 18-067 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (1)(g).
79. Senate Bill 18-067 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (1)(n).
80. Senate Bill 18-067 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (6)(e).
81. Senate Bill 18-124 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (4)(c).
82. Senate Bill 18-034 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-416 (1).
83. Senate Bill 18-173 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-423 (2)(b).
84. Senate Bill 18-138 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-429.
85. House Bill 18-1026 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-502 (1)(c).
86. House Bill 18-1096 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-5-101.
87. House Bill 18-1096 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-5-102 (1).
88. House Bill 18-1096 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-5-102 (2).
89. Senate Bill 18-036 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025.
90. Senate Bill 18-182 superseded by House Bill 18-1024.
91. Senate Bill 18-182 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024 and relocated to section 44-32-202 (3)(h).
92. Senate Bill 18-182 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024 and relocated to section 44-32-702 (1)(f)(II).
93. House Bill 18-1293 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-034 and relocated to section 44-30-1201 (10).
94. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect September 1, 2018; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor.
95. Senate Bill 18-172 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024 and relocated to section 44-32-101.
96. Senate Bill 18-172 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024 and relocated to section 44-32-501 (1)(b).
97. Senate Bill 18-172 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024 and relocated to section 44-32-501 (2)(a).
98. Senate Bill 18-172 harmonized with House Bill 18-1024 and relocated to section 44-32-503 (1).
99. Senate Bill 18-079 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-103 (59).
100. House Bill 18-1259 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-403 (4). Effective July 1, 2019, House Bill 18-1259 further harmonized with House Bill 18-1381 and relocated to section 44-11-403 (5).
101. House Bill 18-1259 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-404 (12).
102. House Bill 18-1259 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-403 (6).
103. House Bill 18-1259 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-404 (10).
104. House Bill 18-1326 superseded by Senate Bill 18-093.
105. Senate Bill 18-092 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-154.
106. This section takes effect upon notice to the revisor of statutes pursuant to section 25.5-5-306 (6), Colorado Revised Statutes, as enacted in section 2 of this act.
107. Senate Bill 18-187 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-104 (1.7), effective January 1, 2019.
108. Senate Bill 18-187 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-104 (4.2), effective January 1, 2019.
109. Senate Bill 18-187 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-202 (3)(a)(IV), effective January 1, 2019.
110. Senate Bill 18-187 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-103 (3.3), effective January 1, 2019.
111. Senate Bill 18-187 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-103 (5.2), effective January 1, 2019.
112. Senate Bill 18-187 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (5), effective January 1, 2019.
113. House Bill 18-1008 harmonized with House Bill 18-1338.
114. Senate Bill 18-066 harmonized with House Bill 18-1027 and relocated to section 44-40-120 (1)(a).
115. Senate Bill 18-066 harmonized with House Bill 18-1027 and relocated to section 44-40-108 (3).
116. House Bill 18-1069 harmonized with House Bill 18-1093 and Senate Bill 18-038.
117. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect September 1, 2018; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on January 1, 2019, or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor, whichever is later.
118. House Bill 18-1025 harmonized with House Bill 18-1026 and relocated to section 44-6-101.
119. Senate Bill 18-092 superseded by House Bill 18-1335.
120. Senate Bill 18-034 harmonized with House Bill 18-1027 and House Bill 18-1372.
121. House Bill 18-1174 harmonized with House Bill 18-1240.
122. House Bill 18-1280 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-401 (1.5).
123. House Bill 18-1280 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-202 (2)(a)(XXVII).
124. House Bill 18-1280 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-401 (1.5).
125. House Bill 18-1280 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(XX).
126. Senate Bill 18-271 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(XXI).
127. House Bill 18-1280 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(XXII).
128. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-202 (4), effective July 1, 2019.
129. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-403, effective July 1, 2019.
130. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-402 (3).
131. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-402 (4).
132. Section 3 of House Bill 18-1381 further amended by section 4 of House Bill 18-1381, effective July 1, 2019.
133. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-402 (3), effective July 1, 2019.
134. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-404 (1)(b), effective July 1, 2019.
135. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-404 (8), effective July 1, 2019.
136. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-901 (4)(e), effective July 1, 2019.
137. House Bill 18-1381 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-901 (5), effective July 1, 2019.
138. This act was passed without a safety clause. Sections 1 and 2 of this act take effect July 1, 2019, and the remainder of this act takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on the day following the expiration of the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly (August 8, 2018, if adjournment sine die is on May 9, 2018); except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within such period, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor; except that sections 1 and 2 of this act take effect July 1, 2019.
139. This act was passed without a safety clause. Section 24-37.5-703 (1)(b), enacted in section 2 of this act, takes effect July 1, 2019, and the remainder of this act takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on the day following the expiration of the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly (August 8, 2018, if adjournment sine die is on May 9, 2018); except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within such period, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor; except that section 24-37.5-703 (1)(b), enacted in section 2 of this act, takes effect July 1, 2019.
140. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect August 15, 2018; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor.
141. This act was passed without a safety clause. Except as otherwise provided, it takes effect January 1, 2019; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on January 1, 2019, or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor, whichever is later. Section 13-3-101 (10), as added in section 4 of this act, and section 5 of this act take effect August 8, 2018, unless a referendum petition is filed pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.
142. This provision is amended as it will become effective July 1, 2018.
143. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect July 1, 2019; except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on July 1, 2019, or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor, whichever is later.
144. This act was passed without a safety clause. Sections 4 through 13 of this act take effect July 1, 2019, and the remainder of this act takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on the day following the expiration of the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly (August 8, 2018, if adjournment sine die is on May 9, 2018); except that, if a referendum petition is filed pursuant to section 1 (3) of article V of the state constitution against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within such period, then the act, item, section, or part will not take effect unless approved by the people at the general election to be held in November 2018 and, in such case, will take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor; except that sections 4 through 13 of this act take effect July 1, 2019.
145. House Bill 18-1280 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(XXI).
146. Senate Bill 18-271 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-202 (2)(a)(XXVI).
147. Not used due to governor's veto.
148. Not used due to governor's veto.
149. Not used due to governor's veto.
150. Not used due to governor's veto.
151. Not used due to governor's veto.
152. Not used due to governor's veto.
153. Not used due to governor's veto.
154. Not used due to governor's veto.
155. Not used due to governor's veto.
156. This subsection is added as the section will become effective July 1, 2018.
157. Senate Bill 18-219 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-117.
158. Senate Bill 18-219 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-141.5.
159. Senate Bill 18-219 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-141.6.
160. Senate Bill 18-219 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-439.5.
161. This section was added with amended provisions relocated from section 42-3-113.5.
162. This section was repealed and relocated to section 42-1-234, effective July 1, 2019.
163. This section was added with amended provisions relocated from section 42-6-102 (5)(b).
164. This paragraph was repealed and relocated to section 42-1-235, effective July 1, 2019.
165. House Bill 18-1299 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-183, effective July 1, 2019.
166. House Bill 18-1306 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-213.
167. House Bill 18-1187 harmonized with House Bill 18-1295.
168. House Bill 18-1336 harmonized with House Bill 18-1369.
169. House Bill 18-1306 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-254.
170. This section was amended with provisions relocated from section 24-33.5-223 (1).
171. This section was added with amended provisions relocated from section 24-33.5-223 (2).
172. This subsection was added with amended provisions relocated from section 24-33.5-223 (3).
173. This section was repealed and relocated to sections 24-37.5-501, 24-37.5-502, and 24-37.5-505.
174. Senate Bill 18-092 superseded by House Bill 18-1363.
175. House Bill 18-1389 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-202 (2)(a)(XXVIII).
176. Senate Bill 18-254 harmonized with House Bill 18-1328.
177. House Bill 18-1389 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-403 (5). Effective July 1, 2019, House Bill 18-1389 further harmonized with House Bill 18-1381 and relocated to section 44-11-403 (6).
178. House Bill 18-1389 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(XXIII).
179. House Bill 18-1389 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-403 (7).
180. House Bill 18-1389 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-404 (1)(b).
181. Senate Bill 18-096 superseded by House Bill 18-1006.
182. House Bill 18-1173 further amended by House Bills 18-1006 and 18-1340.
183. House Bill 18-1234 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-034 and relocated to section 44-30-302 (1)(n).
184. House Bill 18-1136 harmonized with House Bill 18-1172.
185. This subsection will be renumbered on revision as (8.5) in the 2018 Colorado Revised Statutes.
186. This sub-subparagraph will be relettered on revision as (P) in the 2018 Colorado Revised Statutes.
187. This section was added with amended provisions relocated from section 24-33.5-704 (8) and (9).
188. This subsection was repealed and relocated to section 24-33.5-704.5.
189. House Bill 18-1190 takes effect upon passage; except that section 39-22-514.5 (5.5)(a)(III) and (8)(c)(IV)(A), as enacted in section 1 of the act, takes effect January 1, 2020.
190. House Bill 18-1343 harmonized with House Bill 18-1375.
191. Senate Bill 18-268 harmonized with House Bill 18-1375.
192. Senate Bill 18-036 harmonized with House Bill 18-1375.
193. House Bill 18-1027 further amended by House Bill 18-1375.
194. Senate Bill 18-034 harmonized with House Bill 18-1375.
195. Senate Bill 18-143 harmonized with House Bill 18-1375.
196. Senate Bill 18-030 harmonized with House Bill 18-1375.
197. House Bill 18-1024 further amended by House Bill 18-1375.
198. This section takes effect only if House Bill 18-1027 becomes law, in which case this section takes effect October 1, 2018.
199. This section takes effect only if Senate Bill 18-035 becomes law, in which case this section takes effect October 1, 2018.
200. This section takes effect only if House Bill 18-1024 and Senate Bill 18-034 become law, in which case this section takes effect October 1, 2018.
201. House Bill 18-1354 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-423 (1)(a).
202. House Bill 18-1354 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-030 and relocated to section 44-20-423 IP (1)(x)(I).
203. House Bill 18-1441 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-313 (1)(e).
204. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-313 (1)(e).
205. This section of House Bill 18-1441 takes effect upon passage only if Senate Bill 18-243 does not become law.
206. House Bill 18-1094 harmonized with House Bill 18-1328.
207. Senate Bill 18-092 harmonized with House Bill 18-1094 and relocated to 27-67-103 (5).
208. House Bill 18-1094 harmonized with House Bill 18-1431.
209. House Bill 18-1431 superseded by House Bill 18-1094.
210. Not used due to governor's veto.
211. Not used due to governor's veto.
212. Not used due to governor's veto.
213. Not used due to governor's veto.
214. Not used due to governor's veto.
215. Not used due to governor's veto.
216. Not used due to governor's veto.
217. Not used due to governor's veto.
218. Not used due to governor's veto.
219. Not used due to governor's veto.
220. Not used due to governor's veto.
221. Not used due to governor's veto.
222. Not used due to governor's veto.
223. Not used due to governor's veto.
224. Not used due to governor's veto.
225. Not used due to governor's veto.
226. Not used due to governor's veto.
227. Not used due to governor's veto.
228. Not used due to governor's veto.
229. Not used due to governor's veto.
230. House Bill 18-1340 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-034 and relocated to section 44-30-1201 (11).
231. House Bill 18-1431 harmonized with House Bill 18-1328.
232. This section was repealed and certain provisions were relocated to section 25.5-5-402.
233. This section was amended with amended provisions relocated from sections 25.5-4-402, 25.5-5-404, 25.5-5-406, and 25.5-5-411.
234. House Bill 18-1007 further amended by House Bill 18-1431.
235. This section was added with amended provisions relocated from sections 25.5-4-404 and 25.5-5-406.
236. Subsection (1) was amended with amended provisions relocated from section 25.5-5-404.
237. Subsection (13) was added with amended provisions relocated from section 25.5-4-407.5.
238. House Bill 18-1422 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-405 (1).
239. House Bill 18-1422 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-202 (3)(a)(I)(H).
240. Subsection (2)(c)(II) was amended with amended provisions relocated from section 25.5-5-402 (6)(b)(II).
241. House Bill 18-1422 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-405 (1).
242. Subsection (2)(a) was relocated to section 25.5-5-408 (13).
243. House Bill 18-1422 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(IV)(I).
244. Senate Bill 18-191 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-034 and relocated to section 44-30-701 IP (2)(a) and (2)(a)(III).
245. This subsection takes effect only if House Bill 18-1007 becomes law, and takes effect upon the effective date of House Bill 18-1431 or House Bill 18-1007, whichever is later.
246. Senate Bill 18-191 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-034 and relocated to section 44-30-1301 (1).
247. House Bill 18-1138 further amended by Senate Bill 18-242.
248. Senate Bill 18-088 further amended by Senate Bill 18-259.
249. This paragraph was repealed and relocated to section 42-6-109 (4).
250. Not used.
251. This article was added with amended provisions relocated from section 31-31-1001.
252. This section was repealed and relocated to section article 51.1 of title 24.
253. Senate Bill 18-001 harmonized with House Bill 18-1137.
254. This section takes effect only if either: A citizen-initiated ballot issue that authorizes the state to issue transportation revenue anticipation notes but does not authorize the state to collect additional tax revenue for the purpose of providing a revenue source for repayment of the notes is submitted to the registered electors of the state for their approval or rejection at the November 2018 general election and a majority of the electors voting on the ballot issue vote "Yes/For", and, in such case, this section takes effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor or a ballot issue that authorizes the state to issue transportation revenue anticipation notes is submitted to the registered electors of the state for their approval or rejection at the November 2019 statewide election pursuant to section 43-4-705 (13)(b), Colorado Revised Statutes, enacted in section 10 of this act, and a majority of the electors voting on the ballot issue vote "Yes/For", and, in such case, this section takes effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by the governor.
255. Senate Bill 18-271 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-202 (2)(a)(XXIX).
256. Senate Bill 18-271 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-11-404 (2).
257. Senate Bill 18-271 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(XX).
258. Senate Bill 18-271 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-202 (3)(a)(XXIV).
259. Not used due to governor's veto.
260. Not used due to governor's veto.
261. Not used due to governor's veto.
262. Not used due to governor's veto.
263. Not used due to governor's veto.
264. Not used due to governor's veto.
265. Not used due to governor's veto.
266. Not used due to governor's veto.
267. Not used due to governor's veto.
268. Not used due to governor's veto.
269. Not used due to governor's veto.
270. Not used due to governor's veto.
271. Not used due to governor's veto.
272. Not used due to governor's veto.
273. Not used due to governor's veto.
274. Not used due to governor's veto.
275. Not used due to governor's veto.
276. Not used due to governor's veto.
277. Not used due to governor's veto.
278. Not used due to governor's veto.
279. Not used due to governor's veto.
280. Not used due to governor's veto.
281. Not used due to governor's veto.
282. Not used due to governor's veto.
283. Not used due to governor's veto.
284. Not used due to governor's veto.
285. Not used due to governor's veto.
286. Not used due to governor's veto.
287. Not used due to governor's veto.
288. Not used due to governor's veto.
289. Not used due to governor's veto.
290. Not used due to governor's veto.
291. Not used due to governor's veto.
292. Not used due to governor's veto.
293. Not used due to governor's veto.
294. Not used due to governor's veto.
295. Not used due to governor's veto.
296. Not used due to governor's veto.
297. Not used due to governor's veto.
298. Not used due to governor's veto.
299. Not used due to governor's veto.
300. Not used due to governor's veto.
301. House Bill 18-1375 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-414 (9)(a).
302. House Bill 18-1375 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (1)(m).
303. Senate Bill 18-213 harmonized with House Bill 18-1306 and relocated to subsection (1)(d.5).
304. House Bill 18-1299 further amended by Senate Bill 18-255.
305. This section takes effect only if House Bill 18-1299 becomes law, and takes effect upon the effective date of House Bill 18-1299.
306. Senate Bill 18-271 harmonized with House Bill 18-1023 and relocated to section 44-12-404 (2).
307. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-104 IP (1).
308. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-104 (1)(c).
309. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-106, effective January 1, 2019.
310. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-107 (1)(c).
311. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-107 (3).
312. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-107 (4), effective January 1, 2019.
313. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-107 (5), effective January 1, 2019.
314. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-4-107 (6), effective January 1, 2019.
315. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (2)(a).
316. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (8), effective July 1, 2019.
317. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (9)(a).
318. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (10)(c)(I).
319. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (10)(c)(V).
320. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (10)(c)(VII).
321. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (10)(c)(XI).
322. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (10)(c)(XII).
323. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (10)(d).
324. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-301 (12).
325. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-308 (1)(a).
326. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-308 (3)(a).
327. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-308 (5).
328. House Bill 18-1441 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-313 IP (1).
329. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-313 IP (1).
330. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-409 (1)(a)(II).
331. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-409 (2), effective January 1, 2019.
332. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-409 (3), effective January 1, 2019.
333. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 (1)(a)(I).
334. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 IP (1)(b)(IV).
335. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 (1)(b)(IV)(B).
336. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 (2)(a)(II), effective January 1, 2019.
337. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 (2)(a)(III), effective January 1, 2019.
338. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 (3), effective January 1, 2019.
339. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 IP (4)(b)(IV).
340. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 (4)(b)(V).
341. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 (4)(c).
342. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-410 (7), effective January 1, 2019.
343. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-601 (8)(c).
344. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 IP (1), effective January 1, 2019.
345. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with Senate Bill 18-067 and House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (1)(g), effective January 1, 2019.
346. Not used.
347. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (1)(i)(I), effective January 1, 2019.
348. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (1)(i)(II), effective January 1, 2019.
349. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (1)(i)(VII), effective January 1, 2019.
350. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (6)(c), effective January 1, 2019.
351. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (6)(k), effective January 1, 2019.
352. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (6)(p)(I)(B), effective January 1, 2019.
353. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (6)(p)(II), effective January 1, 2019.
354. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (6)(p)(III), effective January 1, 2019.
355. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (10)(b), effective January 1, 2019.
356. Senate Bill 18-243 harmonized with House Bill 18-1025 and relocated to section 44-3-901 (11), effective January 1, 2019.