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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Red Book Footnotes 2007

1.    Deleted by amendment.

2.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect at 12:01 a.m. on the day following the expiration of the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, (August 8, 2007, if adjournment sine die is on May 9, 2007); except that, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within such period, then the act, item, section, or part, if approved by the people, shall take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor.

3.    This provision is amended as it will become effective May 29, 2007.

4.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect January 1, 2008. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

5.    Senate Bill 07-076 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-015 and relocated to subsection (16) (d.5).

6.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect July 1, 2008. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

7.    This provision is amended as it will become effective July 1, 2007.

8.    House Bill 07-1129 harmonized with House Bill 07-1211, House Bill 07-1212, House Bill 07-1320, Senate Bill 07-041, Senate Bill 07-118, Senate Bill 07-183, Senate Bill 07-232, and Senate Bill 07-242.

9.    Senate Bill 07-111 harmonized with House Bill 07-1168, House Bill 07-1219, and House Bill 07-1344.

10.    Identical.

11.    This provision is amended as it will become effective January 1, 2008.

12.    Senate Bill 07-184 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-076.

13.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect September 1, 2007. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

14.    Senate Bill 07-101 harmonized with House Bill 07-1035.

15.    Senate Bill 07-052 harmonized with House Bill 07-1254.

16.    Senate Bill 07-054 harmonized with House Bill 07-1254 and relocated to section 23-31-117 (2) (e).

17.    This provision is amended as it was to become effective July 1, 2007, but was changed to become effective January 1, 2008.

18.    Senate Bill 07-076 further amended by Senate Bill 07-200.

19.    Section 3 of House Bill 07-1145 further amended by section 4 of House Bill 07-1145.

20.    This section of House Bill 07-1145 shall only take effect if Senate Bill 07-091 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law.

21.    House Bill 07-1239 harmonized with House Bill 07-1049.

22.    Senate Bill 07-037 superseded by House Bill 07-1266.

23.    Senate Bill 07-037 harmonized with House Bill 07-1266.

24.    This section of Senate Bill 07-187 shall only take effect if House Bill 07-1126 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law.

25.    This provision shall not take effect if House Bill 07-1198 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law.

26.    Section 25 of Senate Bill 07-208 harmonized with section 27 of Senate Bill 07-208.

27.    Section 22-2-106 (1) (a.5) (II), as enacted in section 1 of House Bill 07-1118, shall take effect only if Senate Bill 07-053 is enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and becomes law. Said section 22-2-106 (1) (a.5) (II) shall take effect either upon passage of House Bill 07-1118 or when Senate Bill 07-053 becomes law, whichever is later.

28.    House Bill 07-1059 harmonized with House Bill 07-1237 and relocated to section 22-54-117 (1.5) (a.5).

29.    House Bill 07-1059 harmonized with House Bill 07-1237.

30.    Senate Bill 07-107 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-123, Senate Bill 07-221, and House Bill 07-1081.

31.    This act shall take effect at 8 a.m. on January 1, 2008.

32.    This act shall take effect only if House Bill 07-1021 is enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and becomes law; the final fiscal estimate for House Bill 07-1021, determined from the appropriations enacted in said bill, shows a net reduction in the amount of general fund expenditures appropriated for the state fiscal year 2007-08, that is equal to or greater than the amount of the general fund appropriation made for the implementation of this act for the state fiscal year 2007-08, as reflected in section 3 of this act; and the staff director of the joint budget committee files written notice with the revisor of statutes no later than July 15, 2007, that the aforementioned requirement has been met.

33.    Senate Bill 07-031 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-247.

34.    House Bill 07-1180 further amended by section 6 of House Bill 07-1341.

35.    This section of House Bill 07-1341 shall take effect only if House Bill 07-1180 is not enacted or does not become law.

36.    This section of House Bill 07-1341 shall take effect only if House Bill 07-1180 is enacted and becomes law.

37.    Senate Bill 07-118 harmonized with House Bill 07-1054.

38.    This section will be renumbered on revision as section 42-3-226 in the 2007 Colorado Revised Statutes.

39.    Senate Bill 07-067 harmonized with House Bill 07-1120.

40.    This section of Senate Bill 07-196 shall not take effect if House Bill 07-1021 is not enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and does not become law.

41.    This section and section 25-1-1401 (4), Colorado Revised Statutes, contained in section 1 of Senate Bill 07-196 shall not take effect if House Bill 07-1021 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law; the final fiscal estimate for House Bill 07-1021, as determined from the appropriations enacted in said bill, shows a net reduction in the amount of general fund revenues appropriated for the state fiscal year 2007-08, that is equal to or greater than the estimated increase in the general fund appropriation in this act resulting from this act, if it takes effect, for the state fiscal year 2007-08, as reflected in the final fiscal impact statement prepared on this act by the legislative council staff; and the staff director of the joint budget committee files written notice with the revisor of statutes no later than July 15, 2007, that the aforementioned requirement has been met.

42.    Senate Bill 07-041 harmonized with House Bill 07-1059.

43.    Senate Bill 07-076 superseded by Senate Bill 07-192.

44.    This section of Senate Bill 07-241 shall only take effect if neither Senate Bill 07-067 nor House Bill 07-1120 is enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and neither becomes law.

45.    This section of Senate Bill 07-241 shall only take effect if either Senate Bill 07-067 or House Bill 07-1120, but not both, is enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and becomes law.

46.    This section of Senate Bill 07-241 shall only take effect if both Senate Bill 07-067 and House Bill 07-1120 are enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and become law.

47.    House Bill 07-1206 harmonized with House Bill 07-1009 and House Bill 07-1367.

48.    House Bill 07-1009 further amended by House Bill 07-1206.

49.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect September 1, 2007, but only if, on or before that date, the executive director of the department of revenue files a written certification with the revisor of statutes that there are no more than fourteen other lines on the Colorado state individual income tax forms for voluntary contributions for the state income tax year commencing January 1, 2007. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

50.    Senate Bill 07-097 further amended by Senate Bill 07-004, Senate Bill 07-146, Senate Bill 07-232, House Bill 07-1057, House Bill 07-1064, House Bill 07-1335, and House Bill 07-1346.

51.    Senate Bill 07-207 harmonized with House Bill 07-1198.

52.    Senate Bill 07-207 superseded by House Bill 07-1198.

53.    House Bill 07-1198 harmonized with House Bill 07-1337.

54.    House Bill 07-1037 further amended by House Bill 07-1150.

55.    This section of House Bill 07-1150 shall take effect only if House Bill 07-1037 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law.

56.    Senate Bill 07-221 harmonized with House Bill 07-1081.

57.    House Bill 07-1130 harmonized with House Bill 07-1254 and relocated to section 23-31-310.

58.    Senate Bill 07-211 harmonized with House Bill 07-1274.

59.    This section of Senate Bill 07-211 shall take effect only if the final fiscal estimate for House Bill 07-1021 as reflected in the appropriations clause for said act shows a net general fund savings that is equal to or greater than the final general fund fiscal estimate for sections 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 of this act; House Bill 07-1021 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law; and the staff director of the joint budget committee files written notice with the revisor of statutes no later than July 15, 2007, that the aforementioned requirement has been met.

60.    Senate Bill 07-203 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-085 and Senate Bill 07-216.

61.    Except as otherwise provided, this act shall take effect on the date on which the state controller distributes the comprehensive annual financial report of the state for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006. If the state controller accrues any amount transferred to the capital construction fund to the general fund pursuant to the provisions of section 24-75-201.1 (1) (d) (IX), Colorado Revised Statutes, this act shall not take effect.

62.    Senate Bill 07-239 further amended by Senate Bill 07-182.

63.    Senate Bill 07-222 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-240.

64.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect January 1, 2009. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

65.    Senate Bill 07-097 further amended by House Bill 07-1335.

66.    House Bill 07-1298 harmonized with House Bill 07-1341.

67.    Senate Bill 07-004 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-078.

68.    Senate Bill 07-097 further amended by Senate Bill 07-004.

69.    Senate Bill 07-097 further amended by House Bill 07-1301.

70.    This section of House Bill 07-1301 shall take effect January 1, 2008, only if the executive director of the department of public health and environment certifies to the revisor of statutes that eight hundred thousand dollars or more has not been received in gifts, grants, or donations in the cervical cancer immunization awareness campaign fund.

71.    Section 27-1-305, Colorado Revised Statutes, as set forth in section 1 of Senate Bill 07-146, and section 2 of Senate Bill 07-146 shall only take effect if Senate Bill 07-097 is enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and becomes law.

72.    Senate Bill 07-110 further amended by House Bill 07-1357.

73.    Senate Bill 07-096 harmonized with House Bill 07-1326.

74.    This section of House Bill 07-1183 shall take effect only if the final fiscal estimate for House Bill 07-1021 as reflected in the appropriations clause for said act shows a net general fund savings that is equal to or greater than the final general fund fiscal estimate for sections 2 and 3 of this act; House Bill 07-1021 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law; and the staff director of the joint budget committee files written notice with the revisor of statutes no later than July 15, 2007, that the aforementioned requirement has been met.

75.    Senate Bill 07-097 further amended by House Bill 07-1359.

76.    Senate Bill 07-048 further amended by Senate Bill 07-257.

77.    Senate Bill 07-192 harmonized with House Bill 07-1271.

78.    Senate Bill 07-076 superseded by Senate Bill 07-254.

79.    Senate Bill 07-230 harmonized with House Bill 07-1367.

80.    Senate Bill 07-008 harmonized with House Bill 07-1367.

81.    House Bill 07-1244 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-255 and relocated to section 22-20-103 (12).

82.    Senate Bill 07-255 harmonized with House Bill 07-1244.

83.    Senate Bill 07-119 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-191.

84.    This section of Senate Bill 07-122 shall take effect only if House Bill 07-1130 is enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and becomes law.

85.    If Senate Bill 07-015 is enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and becomes law, this section of House Bill 07-1349 act shall not take effect.

86.    If Senate Bill 07-015 is enacted at the first regular session of the sixty-sixth general assembly and becomes law, this section of House Bill 07-1349 act shall take effect.

87.    Senate Bill 07-015 further amended by sections 3, 5, and 7 of House Bill 07-1349.

88.    House Bill 07-1349 harmonized with House Bill 07-1367.

89.    Senate Bill 07-234 harmonized with House Bill 07-1149.

90.    Senate Bill 07-234 superseded by House Bill 07-1149.

91.    Senate Bill 07-199 superseded by Senate Bill 07-215.

92.    Senate Bill 07-199 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-215.

93.    Senate Bill 07-216 further amended by Senate Bill 07-085.

94.    This section of Senate Bill 07-085 shall take effect only if Senate Bill 07-216 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law.

95.    Senate Bill 07-085 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-208.

96.    Senate Bill 07-041 harmonized with House Bill 07-1059 and House Bill 07-1237.

97.    This section of Senate Bill 07-203 shall take effect only if Senate Bill 07-085 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law.

98.    Senate Bill 07-203 superseded by House Bill 07-1322.

99.    Section 2 of Senate Bill 07-203 superseded by House Bill 07-1322, Senate Bill 07-085, and section 8 of Senate Bill 07-203 to reflect the intent of the General Assembly.

100.    Subsection (7)(a), identical. The introductory portion to subsection (7)(b): House Bill 07-1322 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-085; Senate Bill 07-085 further amended by Senate Bill 07-203 on January 1, 2008; and section 7 of Senate Bill 07-203 superseded by section 1 of Senate Bill 07-203. Subsection (7)(b)(I), identical. Subsection (7)(b)(II): Identical in House Bill 07-1322 and Senate Bill 07-085; and superseded by Senate Bill 07-203 on January 1, 2008. Subsection (7)(c), House Bill 07-1322 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-085.

101.    Senate Bill 07-085 further amended by section 2 of Senate Bill 07-203.

102.    House Bill 07-1322 harmonized with Senate Bill 07-085 and section 8 of Senate Bill 07-203.

103.    Senate Bill 07-055 harmonized with House Bill 07-1117.

104.    Senate Bill 07-055 harmonized with House Bill 07-1229.

105.    This paragraph will be relettered on revision as (j) in the 2007 Colorado Revised Statutes.

106.    This section of House Bill 07-1367 shall only take effect if House Bill 07-1009 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law, and said section shall become effective on the same date as House Bill 07-1009.

107.    This section of House Bill 07-1367 shall take effect only if Senate Bill 07-043 is enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly and becomes law.

108.    This section of House Bill 07-1367 shall only take effect if House Bill 07-1336 is not enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly or does not become law.

109.    This section of House Bill 07-1367 shall take effect only if House Bill 07-1343 is not enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly or does not become law.

110.    This section of House Bill 07-1367 shall only take effect if Senate Bill 07-033 is not enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly or does not become law.

111.    This section of House Bill 07-1367 shall only take effect if House Bill 07-1219 is not enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly or does not become law.

112.    Senate Bill 07-040 further amended by House Bill 07-1367.

113.    House Bill 07-1009 further amended by House Bill 07-1367.

114.    Senate Bill 07-043 further amended by House Bill 07-1367.

115.    House Bill 07-1258 harmonized with House Bill 07-1367.

116.    The entry for this provision reflects the incorrect amending clause as it appears in section 18 of House Bill 07-1054, which states that only subsection (1) of the section was amended when really the entire section was amended.

117.    House Bill 07-1009 harmonized with House Bill 07-1206.

118.    This subsection will be renumbered on revision as (1.8) in the 2007 Colorado Revised Statutes.

119.    This subsection will be renumbered on revision as (1.7) in the 2007 Colorado Revised Statutes.

120.    Senate Bill 07-239 was approved in part and vetoed in part by the Governor on May 2, 2007. The vetoed provisions were overridden by the Senate and House of Representatives on May 4, 2007. The effective date of the approved provisions is May 2, 2007, and the effective date of the provisions in the veto override is May 4, 2007.