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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu
Legislative Council StaffToggle Agency Menu

Information & Contacts

Legislative Council Staff is the non-partisan research and institutional support staff serving the Colorado General Assembly.  Our vision is to serve the members of the General Assembly as they formulate public policy for the citizens of Colorado.  

Our goal is to be the primary provider of non-partisan, unbiased, accurate, objective, and timely research and information and to satisfy the institutional needs of the General Assembly and its constituents. 

Policy Research Section

Policy Research Staff prepare research requested by members of the General Assembly and provide staff support to standing and interim committees.


Constituent Services Section

Constituent Services Staff assist members of the General Assembly by responding to  constituent questions.


Fiscal Notes Section

Fiscal Notes Staff prepare fiscal analyses of all bills and concurrent resolutions considered by the General Assembly.


Economics Section

Economics Staff prepare General Fund and cash fund revenue forecasts and other forecasts used in the state budgeting process.


Information Technology Section

Information Technology Staff provide information technology services and support to all legislators and legislative staff and support and maintain the General Assembly's computers, printers, networking equipment, servers, storage systems, and wireless network. Staff also manage services pertaining to a centralized file storage system, website support, and development and maintenance of various custom software applications used by legislative staff.


Capitol Building Visitor Services

Visitor Services staff provide public historic tours of the Capitol, as well as educating school-aged children about state government and Colorado's history.


Accounting Section

The Legislative Council Accounting Staff provide centralized accounting services for the legislative branch service agencies and compensation and benefit services for members of the General Assembly.


Joint Legislative Library

The Joint Legislative Library maintains reference materials and information on subject areas pertinent to governmental functions.


Print Shop

The print shop prints engrossed and reengrossed copies of bills and final copies of acts adopted by the General Assembly. The print shop also prints reports for legislative service agencies.