Regulating Child Care Center Fees
The bill limits the amount a licensed child care center, family child care home, or substitute placement agency (child care center) may charge for a wait list fee or an application fee to $25.A child care center shall use a wait list fee or an application fee to cover only the administrative burdens of managing a wait list or processing an application.A child care center shall credit a deposit fee toward the family's first month of child care if the family secures a position with the child care center.For transparency and accountability to families, a child care center shall create and publish a policy for establishing fees. Each child care center shall make the information available to families in a clear and understandable format before families apply to and enroll in the child care center. Each child care center shall display the information in a prominent and conspicuous location:
On the child care center's website, if applicable;In the child care center's facility at all times during operational hours; andOn the child care center's application.
- Joining a wait list;
- Registration; and
- Request of the family.
- Enrollment;
- Amendments to the fee schedule; and
- Amendments to the process on fee refunds.
During the department of early childhood's (department) periodic inspections, or if a complaint is filed regarding fees, the department shall review the information in the child care center's policy for establishing fees to confirm the child care center is complying with the law. If the department finds the child care center is not compliant, the child care center has 30 days after the date of inspection to comply. If the child care center does not comply within 30 days after the date of inspection, the department may take further disciplinary action. The department shall not take disciplinary action against a child care program that makes a good faith administrative error or is not in compliance for the first time. The department's enforcement shall focus on deliberate violations.
(Note: Italicized words indicate new material added to the original summary; dashes through words indicate deletions from the original summary.)
(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)