2023-2024 Initiative#249 - Property Tax Revenue
2023-2024 Initiative#246 - Valuation for Assessments
2023-2024 Initiative#184 - Concerning Voter-Approved Revenue Changes
2023-2024 Initiative#203 - Ballot Access Through Party Endorsement
2023-2024 Initiative#231 - Concerning the Conduct of Elections
2023-2024 Initiative#224 - Concerning Amendments to Initiated Statutes
Extend Homestead Exemption To Gold Star Spouses
Modification to Property Tax Exemption For Veterans With A Disability
FY 2024-25 Budget Package and Long Bill Narrative
The Long Bill Narrative, which is the annual appropriations act, is prepared by staff to explain funding decisions recommended by the JBC to the rest of the General Assembly. This document is a companion document to the actual Long Bill. The narrative outlines budget changes based on the...
Water Quality Control Fee-setting By Rule
The Colorado General Assembly is supported by the following six non-partisan legislative service agencies:
2023-2024 Initiative#268 - Limits on Senior Housing Costs
House Overview
Colorado General Assembly Overview
There are 100 individual Colorado citizens elected to serve in the Colorado General Assembly.
There are 65 Representatives who serve the state of Colorado. Representatives are elected to two-year terms, and may serve a total of four consecutive terms.
Legislative Q&A
Colorado General Assembly Overview
There are 100 individual Colorado citizens elected to serve in the Colorado General Assembly.
Legislative Q&A
Participation in Legislative Hearings
Committees of Reference of the Senate and House of Representatives meet in several spaces within the Capitol Complex:
Participation in Legislative Hearings
Committees of Reference of the Senate and House of Representatives meet in several spaces within the Capitol Complex:
Strategic Plan
The OSA's Mission
To improve government for the people of Colorado.