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I_ECR_BH_2021A 11/09/2021 12:31:20 PM Committee Summary

Date 11/09/2021
Amabile X
Michelle Barnes E
Kim Bimestefer X
Bradfield E
Michael Conway X
Kolker X
Michaelson Jenet E
Dianne Primavera E
Priola E
Simpson E
Van Beber E
Robert Werthwein X
Dean Williams X
Winter E
Gonzales-Gutierrez E
Pettersen X
Time 12:31:20 PM to 04:51:38 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Pettersen
This Report was prepared by Juliann Jenson
Hearing Items Action Taken
Call to Order, Introductions, Committee Schedule Committee Discussion Only
Bed-Based Care and the Unhoused: Review and Discussion Committee Discussion Only
Children, Youth, and Family Recommendations: Review and Discussion Committee Discussion Only
Gaps in the Continuum of Care Recommendations: Review and Discussion Committee Discussion Only
Next Steps Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Committee Discussion Only

Call to Order, Introductions, Committee Schedule - Committee Discussion Only

Bed-Based Care and the Unhoused: Review and Discussion - Committee Discussion Only

12:38:04 PM  
Jarrett Hughes, Senior Policy Advisor on
Aging, Office of the Governor, provided an overview of the Governor's proposed
homelessness initatives:

Kristen Toombs, Director, Office of Homeless
Initiatives, Colorado Department of Local Affairs, presented the proposed
competitive grant program proposal and responded to questions.

Yumiko Dougherty, Director, Strategic
Planning and Implementation, Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS)
presented the Ridge View supportive recovery campus proposal.

Cristen Bates, Population Health Division
Director, Health Programs Office, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy
and Financing (HCPF) described the proposed treatment, wellness, and recovery
services included in the homelessness initiatives and responded to questions
about Medicaid reimbursement.

Task Force members asked questions and
discussion about the proposal ensued.
01:24:09 PM  

Discussion continued about the proposed Ridge View Supportive Recovery Campus. Presenters responded to questions about the proposal, including Medicaid reimbursement, budget, treatment services, and number of residents. 

01:37:51 PM  
Ms. Dougherty presented information about
a proposed $50 million Denver supportive recovery campus. Ms. Toombs responded
to questions about the proposal.  

Ms. Dougherty presented information about
a proposed a $5 million funding request for homelessness data collection
and outreach. Task Force members commented about the proposal.

Task Force members asked questions about
the Governor's proposed homelessness initatives. Ms. Toombs responded to
questions about proposed financing of one-time and ongoing costs for both
the Ridge View and Denver supportive recovery campus proposals.

Ms. Toombs and Ms. Bates also responded
to questions about staffing requirements, proposed clincal staff salaries,
and the management structure for each of the proposals. Members discussed
grant proposals and evaluation of grant programs.
02:04:24 PM  

Leslie Brooks, M.D., Sub Panel Vice Chair, Chief of Addiction Medicine, Summitstone Health Partners, provided an overview of the bed-based care proposals:


Ms. Lauren Snyder,Vice President of Government Affairs, Mental Health Colorado, and Dr. Brooks presented the respite, recovery, and residential bed proposals and responded to questions. 

02:24:25 PM  

Norma Aguilar-Dave, Director Adolescent Services, Savio House, presented the family proposal included in the bed proposal document. She responded to questions about who would be served and the explained the proposal includes a research component. Discussion ensued among committee members, including whether the proposal could be replicated in other parts of the state.


Children, Youth, and Family Recommendations: Review and Discussion - Committee Discussion Only

02:58:38 PM  
03:23:38 PM  

Kevin Hughes, Program Coordinator and Trainer, Peer Assistance Services, presented information about Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment:

Mr. Hughes responded to questions.



03:42:46 PM  

Ashley Coram, Program Manager, School Based Health Centers, discussed a proposal regarding school based health centers:

03:46:47 PM  
Committee members discussed the use of strategy
maps. Jacob Bornstein stated that the final report will include strategy
03:50:13 PM  
03:53:42 PM  

Sandra Fritsch, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, presented information about the Colorado Pediatric Psychiatry Consultation & Access Program:

Task Force members commented that this presentation may overlap with the state's State Innovation Model initiative project, funded with funds from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  


Gaps in the Continuum of Care Recommendations: Review and Discussion - Committee Discussion Only

04:09:48 PM  

Byron Pelton, Commissioner Logan County, described the countty behavioral health grant program and provided examples about how various counties use grant funds.  Commissioner Pelton recommended continuation of the grant program as recommended by the subpanel.

04:15:32 PM  

Gini Pingenot, Director of External Affairs, Colorado Counties, Inc. discussed the implementation of county behavioral health grant program and responded to questions. Ms. Pingenot recommended continuation of the grant program as recommended by the subpanel.

04:26:12 PM  

Ms. Snyder, provided a presentation about "treatment on demand." Information is available on Page 2:

Next Steps - Committee Discussion Only

04:44:01 PM  

Senator Pettersen, Chair, discussed upcoming meetings. She noted a subpanel meeting will occur on December 3, and the task force and subpanel will meet on December 10, 2021. Senator Pettersen then reminded members about the guidance and lenses worksheet: and discussed the subpanel work that will be done before final recommendations are reviewed on December 10th. 

Public Testimony - Committee Discussion Only

04:45:52 PM  

Jill Suber Blackwell, representing herself, testified about her son's experiences obtaining behavioral health treatment.

04:51:38 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 7, 2024, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 8, 2024, unless otherwise specified. Details