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D7EAE36CD31213C88725847B006E2AB8 Hearing Summary


Date Sep 20, 2019      
Location Old State Library

Requests for Draft Legislation - Committee Discussion Only

02:03:22 PM  
The committee returned to order.
02:09:01 PM  
The chair read a letter from the mother
of a student with special needs related to violence in schools.
02:17:30 PM  
Michael Dohr and Conrad Imel, representing the Office of Legislative Legal Services, explained the process of requesting bill drafts. Mr. Dohr responded to questions from the committee.
02:24:27 PM  
The committee began to discuss ideas for bill drafts. The chair raised the issue of a perceived lack of coordination among school safety actors and about measuring outcomes for various funding streams. Senator Gardner suggested using the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) as a model for a group to direct a coordinated effort. Discussion ensued. There was no objection to drafting a bill to use the CCJJ as a model for a task force that would facilitate an effort to coordinate and evaluate school safety efforts in the state. There was also no objection to drafting a bill that would solicit an outside evaluator to provide recommendations to the aforementioned task force.
02:49:17 PM  
The committee talked about drafting a bill that would require a statewide school climate survey of students, parents, and staff that would potentially drive a response if it became apparent that a problem exists in a school. The committee discussed threat assessments and a charge for the task force requested in the previous bill. Representative Van Winkle commented that the Healthy Kids Survey that already exists asks questions about school climate. There was no objection to moving forward with a bill draft to share survey information with parents.
02:57:13 PM  
The discussion turned to Safe2Tell and how it would be more
efficient to route calls and tips directly to a crisis hotline to help
students struggling with suicidal thoughts. The committee also discussed
the marketing of Safe2Tell. There was no objection to drafting a bill on
these issues.
03:00:48 PM  
Senator Fields spoke about training teachers and other school personnel in mental health first aid. There was no objection to drafting a bill to provide such training.
03:02:44 PM  
Representative Van Winkle raised the issue of interoperable communication efforts. He suggested a bill draft to extend a current program that provides funding for the efforts. There was no objection.
03:04:23 PM  

The discussion turned to the problem of false and malicious Safe2Tell tips and the committee requested that a bill be drafted on the topic.

03:07:35 PM  
Representative Beckman spoke about gaps in mental health support in schools and residential treatment of juveniles. She suggested drafting a bill that would do a feasibility study and master plan for adding residential treatment beds in a state facility as a safety net for schools. There was no objection.
03:12:22 PM  

Representative Van Winkle suggested a bill that would renew the School Safety Disbursement Program and direct a portion of funds to rural schools. There was no objection.

03:13:56 PM  

Senator Fields suggested a bill draft to allow mental health as a valid excuse for allowed school absence under state law. There was no objection.

03:17:15 PM  

Representative Michaelson Jenet suggested a bill draft to continue the School Safety year round and have it meet quarterly. There was no objection.

03:19:11 PM  

Senator Fields spoke about the charge of the aforementioned task force and asked that a study of active shooter drills be included. Senator Lundeen suggested a resolution to honor the I Love U Guys Foundation. There was no objection to such a resolution.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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