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54A41AE5D23F720B87258434005916BD Hearing Summary


Date Jul 11, 2019      
Location Old State Library

Programs and Departments Addressing School Safety in Colorado - Committee Discussion Only

10:13:08 AM  
Kevin Rants, representing the School Safety Resource Center (SSRC), spoke about the purpose of the SSRC and the services it provides in the state. He discussed the various events and services that are offered to schools in Colorado, and highlighted that training is available both online and in-person. He spoke about the various groups the center partners with to make robust resources available throughout the state. He responded to a question about threat assessments and training. He responded to questions about specific metrics related to the use of the SSRC. Further questions were asked about recommendations made in the wake of the Arapahoe High School shooting in 2013. Brad Stiles, representing the SSRC, spoke about work that has been done on threat assessments.
10:33:09 AM  

Lindsey Myers, representing the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, spoke about the Violence and Injury Prevention Mental Health Branch, of which she is the chief. She listed the various functions and services of her branch, She discussed the causes of violence and suicide, including the use of the social ecological model for determining those causes. Her presentation provided information to support her discussion (Attachment G). She spoke specifically about risk factors and common protective factors. She further talked about evidence-based practices and public policy gaps and opportunities. She provided local resources for information. Ms. Myers responded to committee questions. She indicated that she would provide information about what it would cost to scale up the Sources of Strength program to more schools. She also responded to questions about evidence-based practices with regard to peer-driven programs. Further discussion continued between Ms. Myers and the committee.

11:13:42 AM  

Camille Harding, representing the Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) in the Department of Human Services, spoke about the connection between school safety and behavioral health. She discussed how OBH appropriations are used to fund behavioral health programs in schools and communities. She talked about state activities that target the prevention of youth violence in schools. These include trauma-informed training and theory of change. Her slide deck provided much more information (Attachment H). She discussed various partnerships between OBH and other entities that work with youth and mobile response teams around the state. Ms. Harding responded to committee questions about school shooting responses and training offered to school personnel.

11:37:48 AM  

Misti Ruthven, representing the Colorado Department of Education, provided a handout to the committee that lists state and local resources for grant funding for safety, behavioral health, and social and emotional learning (Attachment I). She discussed a school climate grant from the federal government that is to be used to create a school climate framework within four school districts. She responded to questions from the committee about bullying as a trigger for suicide. Representative Michaelson Jenet thanked the entire panel and the committee recessed for lunch.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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