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0EB65B193424B5C38725875000707B1A Hearing Summary


Date Sep 14, 2021      
Location SCR 357

Compact Compliance and Groundwater - Committee Discussion Only

02:29:11 PM  
David Robbins, Rio
Grande Water Conservation District (RGWCD) and Republican River Water Conservation
District (RRWCD), introduced the presentation.  He spoke about groundwater
use and the lawsuits that have ensued between states over groundwater rights.
02:35:51 PM  

Mr. Robbins discussed the actions that farmers have taken to solve water scarcity problems and requested additional financial resources to meet the compliance requirements to other states.

02:38:05 PM  

Aaron Sprague, RRWCD, pointed the committee to the presentation showing a map of the RRWCD.  He spoke about the fees the district charges and costs associated with running the district.  He answered a question about well usage and the retirement of wells within the district.  

02:43:49 PM  

Mr. Sprague discussed the Republican River Compact and the problems with complying with the compact.  He answered question about taxing water supplies, working with federal partners on retiring wells, and chaning land use.    

02:52:44 PM  

Mr. Sprague answered a question about how the district retires a well.

02:57:14 PM  

Marisa Fricke, RGWCD, directed the committee to the presentation and pointed to a map of the district. She discussed the overappropriation and the water deficit that farms are facing. She spoke about the efforts that the district has made to be more sustainable.

03:04:44 PM  

Ms. Fricke answered a question about how much money is needed to meet the goal's of the district.

03:06:55 PM  

Mr. Robbins told the committee about how much money both districts need to meet the goals of the compacts.

03:07:36 PM  

The panel answered questions about how the retirement of wells impacts compact compliance and what would happen if compliance goals are not met.

03:17:48 PM  

Mr. Robbins spoke about the rules and regulations put in place by the State Engineer that govern the two districts.

03:20:52 PM  

Ms. Fricke answered a question about what happens after wells are retired and if there is potential to get to a point where wells do not have to be retired anymore. She spoke about the balance needed between groundwater and surface water.

03:27:18 PM  

The panelists answered questions about the different prices for water and the varying levels of efficiency across the river districts.

03:32:50 PM  

Andy Mueller, Colorado River Water Conservation District, discussed the interstate compact compliance issues on the Colorado River associated with its surface water supply.  He spoke about the geographical impact of the Colorado River across the state.    

03:44:58 PM  

Mr. Mueller answered questions about demand management on the Colorado River. He discussed the different demand management ideas that the district has discussed.

03:57:09 PM  

Mr. Mueller continued to answer questions about compact compliance and how Colorado works with other states in the compact.

04:09:24 PM  

Mr. Mueller talked about a federal infrastructure bill and the provisions of the bill that affect water in the West.

04:18:59 PM  
Kevin Rein, State
Engineer, introduced the presentation and spoke about the need for curtailment
to meet delivery obligations of the interstate compacts and the challenges
associated with curtailment in river basins.
04:23:44 PM  

Mr. Rein discussed compact administration and measurement rules and what they may look like in the future.

The Colorado Senate and House of Representatives will not convene on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details