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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu
Joint Committee Year Round Committee

Statutory Revision Committee

State Government

The Statutory Revision Committee makes an ongoing examination of the statutes of the state and current judicial decisions for the purpose of discovering defects and anachronisms in the law and recommending needed reforms.

Committee Members

Dominick Moreno

Dominick Moreno

Beth Martinez Humenik

Beth Martinez Humenik

Vice Chair
Jeni James Arndt

Jeni James Arndt

Edie Hooton

Edie Hooton

Hugh McKean

Hugh McKean

Jack Tate

Jack Tate

Dan Thurlow

Dan Thurlow

Brad Ramming, Esq.

Patrice Bernadette Collins, Esq.

Committee Activity

  • 10/23/2018
    Hearing Item Actions Documents/Links
    1. Election of new chair and vice-chair in January
    2. CDPHE: Presentation of memorandum and 15 bill drafts
    2ai. Division of administration personnel policy - LLS 19-0112
    2aii. Child care in nursing homes - LLS 19-0113
    2aiii. Emergency medical & trauma care system - LLS 19-0114
    2aiv. Blood lead levels in children - LLS 19-0115
    2av. Cancer Drug Repository Act - LLS 19-0116
    2avii. Health facility life safety - LLS 19-0118
    2aviii. Board of Health authority over CDPHE funds - LLS 19-0119
    2aix. Board of Health rqts concerning operational planning - LLS 19-0120
    2ax. Board of Health approval for legal services - LLS 19-0121
    2axi. Hospital license requirements - LLS 19-0122
    2axii. Air quality control programs - LLS 19-0123
    2axiii. Water quality control - LLS 19-0125
    2axiv. Emergency epidemic preparedness - LLS 19-0126
    2axv. Radiation Advisory Committee compensation - LLS 19-0127
    2b. DNR: Update outdated language re: gifts, grants, & donations - LLS 19-0296
    2c. DORA: Align definition of "appraisal management copy" with fed law - LLS 19-0309
    2d. Professional teacher & special svcs licenses: Remove duplicative language - LLS 19-0308
    2e. Dept of Revenue: Electronic Funds Transfer correction - LLS 19-0308
    2f. Dept of Revenue: Manufactured housing definition cleanup - LLS 19-0308
    Other Business
    2aiv. Blood lead levels in children - LLS 19-0115
    2avi. Cancer drug testing - LLS 19-0117
    2avii. Health facility life safety - LLS 19-0118
    2aviii. Board of Health authority over CDPHE funds - LLS 19-0119
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