Cash Fund Allocations For Health-related Programs
- The allocation of revenues annually received by the state pursuant to the tobacco litigation settlement (settlement moneys) is modified and streamlined by replacing the current 2-tier allocation system that includes both percentage-based and fixed amount allocations of settlement moneys with a single set of exclusively percentage-based allocations and replacing settlement moneys funding for specified programs with marijuana tax cash fund funding;
- An additional allocation of settlement moneys is made to the university of Colorado health sciences center for the sole purpose of funding cancer research; and
- $20 million is transferred from the children's basic health plan trust to a newly created primary care provider sustainability fund on July 1, 2016, for the purpose of increasing access to primary care through rate enhancements for primary care office visits, preventative medicine visits, counseling and health risk assessments, immunization administration, health screening services, and newborn care, including neonatal critical care. Money expended from the fund for the purposes of increasing access to primary care through rate enhancements supplements and does not supplant general fund appropriations for that purpose.
The act makes and reduces various appropriations in order to accomplish its purposes and repeals various obsolete statutory provisions relating to the past allocation of settlement moneys and past transfers to and from cash funds.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)