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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Colorado Voting Rights Act

Concerning the administration of elections, and, in connection therewith, creating the Colorado Voting Rights Act.
2025 Regular Session
Elections & Redistricting
Bill Summary

The bill creates the Colorado Voting Rights Act (act) and modifies certain election-related statutes in 4 areas:

  • Election and voting statutes related to Indian tribes;
  • Voting-related services for individuals with disabilities;
  • Election-related language access; and
  • Election-related data collection.

Creation of the act. The bill creates the act, which prohibits political subdivisions from:

  • Taking any action that results in or is intended to result in a material disparity between electors who are members of a protected race, color, or language minority group or other minority reporting group (protected class members) and other eligible electors in regard to voter participation, access to voting opportunities, or the opportunity or ability to participate in the political process (voter suppression);
  • Enacting or employing any method of election that has the effect of, or is motivated in part by the intention of, disparately impairing the opportunity or ability of protected class members to participate in the political process, elect the candidates of their choice, or otherwise influence the outcome of elections (voter dilution); or
  • Implementing, imposing, or enforcing a voting qualification or another prerequisite to voting based on an individual's actual or perceived gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.

An aggrieved individual or organization may file a civil suit alleging voter suppression, voter dilution, or an unlawful voting prerequisite based on gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. The attorney general may investigate potential violations of the act and may file suit to enforce the act or may intervene in an aggrieved individual's or organization's civil suit.

Election and voting statutes related to Indian tribes. The bill clarifies provisions related to voter registration and election access for Indian tribes, including valid identification for registration purposes and the requirements for voter service and polling centers and ballot drop-off locations on Indian reservations. Voting-related services for individuals with disabilities. The bill imposes a requirement on covered entities, defined as entities that provide state-funded services primarily to individuals with disabilities, to publicly display notices related to voting in advance of statewide general and primary elections. Election-related language access. The bill expands existing requirements for the creation of multilingual ballots from only applying to qualifying counties to also applying to qualifying municipalities, based on the population or percentage of the voting-age population within the relevant jurisdiction who are minority language speakers and speak English less than very well. Election-related data collection. The bill creates the statewide election database and information office (office) in the department of state. The office collects and maintains data related to elections, including demographics, election results, and voting information, which the office is required to make publicly available. After each election, political subdivisions are required to submit election-related information to the office. The office also provides assistance to political subdivisions, researchers, and members of the public related to the data it maintains, in addition to providing data to the attorney general for purposes of investigating potential violations of the act.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)


Under Consideration


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