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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

Revise Traumatic Brain Injury Program

Concerning revisions to the traumatic brain injury program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
2019 Regular Session
Health Care & Health Insurance
Human Services
Bill Summary

Colorado brain injury program - Colorado brain injury trust fund - board - appropriation. The act makes revisions to the Colorado traumatic brain injury program (program) and the program board, including:

  • Renaming the program, the trust fund board, and the trust fund to remove "traumatic" from the titles and making conforming amendments in other statutes to reflect the new names;
  • Defining "brain injury" to replace the definition of "traumatic brain injury";
  • Requiring the trust fund board to include members who have experienced a brain injury, family members of persons who have experienced a brain injury, and those with specific personal or professional experience with brain injuries;
  • Removing obsolete dates relating to trust fund board appointments;
  • Removing the specific statutory listing of potential services under the program and clarifying that all persons served by the program receive service coordination and skills training and may receive other services as determined by the trust fund board;
  • Allowing the trust fund board to prioritize services and eligibility for services while ensuring fidelity to the program's original intent to serve individuals with brain injuries;
  • Removing a restriction on the use of general fund money for the program trust fund;
  • Removing general provisions relating to the administration of the program; and
  • Removing the fee collected by municipalities for speeding traffic offenses and increasing fees currently collected for other offenses for the benefit of the trust fund.

For the 2019-20 state fiscal year, the act appropriates $450,000 from the general fund to the Colorado brain injury trust fund and reappropriates money from the trust fund for use in the Colorado brain injury program.

(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)


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