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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

Redesign Residential Child Health Care Waiver

Concerning the children's habilitation residential waiver program, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.
2018 Regular Session
Health Care & Health Insurance
Bill Summary

Medicaid - children's habilitation residential program - authorize redesigned waiver - appropriation. The act directs the department of health care policy and financing (department) to initiate a stakeholder process for purposes of preparing and submitting a redesigned children's habilitation residential program (program) waiver for federal approval that allows for home- and community-based services for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have complex behavioral support needs. The department may also request federal authorization to change the agency designated to administer and operate the program from the department of human services to the department.

The act includes language creating the redesigned program, relocates the program in statute, and makes conforming changes in statute to reflect the new location of the program. The new program will become effective once federal approval has been granted for the redesigned children's habilitation residential program waiver.

The act makes the following adjustments to the 2018 general appropriation act:

  • Increases the appropriations to the department of health care policy and financing for general administrative expenses;
  • Increases appropriations to the department of health care policy and financing for medical services premiums;
  • Decreases appropriations to the department of health care policy and financing relating to medicaid-funded programs in the department of human services;
  • Allocates expected federal funds;
  • Appropriates $1,257,660 to the department of health care policy and financing office of community living for the children's habilitation residential program and anticipates the receipt of a matching amount of federal funds.

The act specifies that certain provisions take effect upon notice to the revisor of statutes pursuant to section 25.5-5-306 (6), Colorado Revised Statutes, as enacted in section 2 of this act.

(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)


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