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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

Disclosure Of Information For Asset Recovery

Concerning the collection of debts, and, in connection therewith, allowing collection agents to add certain expenses to amounts due for collection.
2018 Regular Session
Courts & Judicial
Labor & Employment
Bill Summary

Colorado fair debt collection practices act - fees, costs, and costs of collection. The act allows a private collection agency or privately retained attorney collecting on any debt arising from past-due orders, obligations, fines, or fees due to the state, or to any political subdivision within the state, to add to the amount due that has been placed for collection all fees, costs, and costs of collection, including designated contractual attorney fees and costs that are awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction. Exclusive of the accrual of interest and court costs, any fees, costs, and costs of collection may not exceed 18% in the aggregate unless additional reasonable attorney fees are awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Under current law, the department of personnel may add a collection fee to the amount of a debt's principal and accruing interest referred to the state controller except where other specific statutory authority, requirements under federal programs, or written agreement with the debtor provide otherwise. The collection fee may include a fee to recover the collection costs incurred by either the controller, private counsel, or private collection agencies, but in no case shall the aggregate fee for the controller or private collection agencies exceed 21%. The act lowers this limit to 18%.

(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)


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