Health-care Practice Transformation
The act creates the primary care and behavioral health statewide integration grant program in the department of health care policy and financing (state department) to provide grants to primary care clinics for implementation of evidence-based clinical integration care models.
The act requires the state department, in collaboration with the behavioral health administration and other agencies, to develop a universal contract for behavioral health services.
The act requires the state department to undertake efforts to transform the state department's process for clients attempting to receive long-term care in the community to respond to the United States department of justice's letter of findings concerning the investigation of Colorado's use of nursing facilities to serve adults with physical disabilities.
The act appropriates to implement the act:
- $616,968 to the department from the general fund;
- $986,948 to the department from federal funds; and
- $31,750,00 to the department from the behavioral and mental health cash fund.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)