Use Of Increased Medicaid Match
For fiscal year 2021-22 and any subsequent fiscal years while increased reimbursements and payments associated with the federal public health emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic are still available, the act specifies that:
- If a provider or a school district submits a certification of public expenditure pursuant to federal law, the provider or school district shall receive federal matching funds in the amount of 50% of the amount certified, and any federal financial participation in excess of 50% of the amount certified must be transferred to the general fund for the medical assistance program;
- The amount of increased federal financial participation in excess of 50% generated from appropriations out of the healthcare affordability and sustainability fee cash fund must be used to offset other general fund appropriations for the medical assistance program;
- The amount of increased federal financial participation in excess of 50% for reimbursements and payments must be transferred from the medicaid nursing facility cash fund to the general fund for the medical assistance program expenditures; and
- The appropriation to the university of Colorado for fee-for-service contracts for health services is reduced by the amount of federal financial participation that exceeds 50%.
The act adjusts the 2021-22 long bill appropriations as follows:
- The general fund appropriation for medical services premiums is decreased by $57,330,334;
- The appropriation for medical services premiums is reduced by $10,231,185 from reappropriated funds received from the department of higher education;
- The appropriation for medical services premiums is increased by $57,330,334, from fund the healthcare affordability and sustainability fee cash fund from the medicaid nursing facility cash fund; and
- The decrease of the appropriation of $10,231,185 is based on the assumption that the anticipated amount of federal funds received for the 2021-22 state fiscal year by the department of health care policy and financing for medical services premiums will decrease by $13,127,686.
The act adjusts the 2021-22 long bill appropriations to the department of higher education as follows:
- The general fund appropriation for fee-for-service contracts with state institutions for specialty education programs is decreased by $10,231,185; and
- The appropriation for the regents of the university of Colorado is reduced by $10,231,185.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)