Local Designation Of Over-snow Use Only Highways
The act authorizes a local government to designate all or a portion of a highway under its jurisdiction for over-snow use only when snow-packed conditions exist on the highway or for a designated continuous seasonal period for which the local government determines that snow-packed conditions are likely to exist on the highway. "Over-snow use" is defined as travel on top of snow by human-powered or animal-powered means or by an off-highway vehicle that is primarily designed or altered for use over snow and runs without tires on a continuous belt track or on one or more skis while in use over snow. A local government may limit an over-snow use designation to human-powered or animal-powered travel, or both, and the act does not prohibit a local authority from entering into a private winter maintenance agreement when wheeled winter access is requested along a highway.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)