Glossary of Legislative Terms (2015)
Glossary of Legislative Terms
Second Regular Session | 74th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyGlossary of Legislative Terms
This memorandum provides an overview of the process and methodology for drafting greenhouse gas emissions reports, pursuant to Section 2-2-322.3, C.R.S. At the 2019 legislative session, House Bill 19-1188 was passed and signed by the Governor, which requires Legislative Council Staff to prepare...
Submitted herewith, pursuant to House Bill 16-1031, is a research study of changes to the Colorado Transportation Commission districts since 1991. HB 16-1031, sponsored by Representative Terri Carver and Senator John Cooke, required the Legislative Council Staff, in cooperation with the Colorado...
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by Task Force on 911 Oversight, Outage Reporting, and Reliability
The Legislative Council Staff's Energy Handbook is intended to serve as a reference guide to Colorado's energy sector. The book is divided into five sections. Section I covers the sources and uses of energy in Colorado. Section II explains how severance taxes and federal mineral lease moneys...
The House Energy & Environment Committee generally considers matters concerning energy and environment. In addition, the committee also has legislative oversight responsibility for divisions of the Department of Natural Resources and Department of Public Health and Environment, the Public...
The Legislative Council Staff’s Water Policy Handbook is intended to serve as a reference guide to Colorado's water policies and programs. The book is divided into three parts. Each part covers a different aspect of Colorado water law and policy.
The General Assembly is required by the Colorado Constitution to establish and maintain a thorough and uniform system of free public schools, where any person between the ages of 6 and 21 may be educated. At the same time, the constitution places control of public school instruction in locally...