Setting the Rate the Department of Corrections Pays Jails, JBC Memo
Presented to the County Courthouse and County Jail Funding and Overcrowding Solutions Interim Study Committee at its September 2017 meeting.
Second Regular Session | 74th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyPresented to the County Courthouse and County Jail Funding and Overcrowding Solutions Interim Study Committee at its September 2017 meeting.
Colorado's individual income tax form allows a taxpayer to make a voluntary contribution to any one of 15 funds, each of which benefits a program or charitable organization (organization). This issue brief provides information on the income tax "checkoff" program and the selection of...
Pursuant to Interim Committee Letter 2014-6. The purpose of this committee is to evaluate and make recommendations regarding appropriate uses of sales tax revenue generated by recreational marijuana sales in Colorado.
The individual income tax is the largest source of General Fund revenue, accounting for 60 percent of General Fund collections in FY 2013-14. This issue brief provides a brief history of Colorado income tax rates, discusses the general process for determining Colorado’s individual income tax,...
In response to natural disasters that have hit Colorado in recent years, the General Assembly has enacted a number of tax breaks aimed at mitigating or relieving the impact of these disasters on taxpayers. Tax breaks can take a number of different forms, such as an income tax deduction,...
In 2000, voters approved Amendment 20, allowing the possession and use of medical marijuana in Colorado. In 2012, voters approved Amendment 64, legalizing marijuana for use by adults aged 21 and older. Sales of retail marijuana for adult use began on January 1, 2014.
Gun control is a much studied and debated topic. Proponents of gun control argue that the availability of firearms is directly linked to gun deaths and injury, especially in situations of domestic violence. Opponents counter that crime victims who defend themselves with guns are less likely to...
This issue brief examines Colorado's fireworks law, including the ability of cities and counties to regulate fireworks.
Child support is a required payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of a child after a divorce or other dissolution of a relationship. This issue brief summarizes how child support orders are issued, details elements of child support enforcement units and various child support...
The attached document provides a summary of major legislation considered by the General Assembly pertaining to taxes and fiscal policy.
Crime Classification Guide for Class A Traffic Infractions