2017 Capital Construction Recommendations
This memorandum summarizes the capital construction, controlled maintenance, and capital information technology (IT) project recommendations for FY 2017-18.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThis memorandum summarizes the capital construction, controlled maintenance, and capital information technology (IT) project recommendations for FY 2017-18.
This memorandum discusses Colorado’s Digital Trunked Radio System (DTRS). The first section of the memorandum highlights the history and members of DTRS. The next section describes the components of DTRS. The final section notes the funding history of DTRS.
Capital Development Committee (CDC) Information and Procedures
Responsibilities and Definitions
The Capital Development Committee (CDC) was established in 1985 (House Bill 85-1070), and its statutory charge is found under Section 2-3-1301, et seq., C.R.S.
This memorandum addresses information technology (IT) accessibility for state employees and customers of the state who are disabled. Specifically, it summarizes legal compliance requirements, current practices, and the state’s future plans for improving IT accessibility for disabled persons,...
Glossary of Legislative Terms
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Legislative Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Committee.
Data breaches are becoming increasingly common and bring uncertainty for private citizens. According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. Data breaches impose significant costs on both individuals whose personal identifying...
The day-to-day expenses of state government are paid through the operating budget in the state's annual budget bill. Expenses related to new construction, renovation, or maintenance of the state's capital assets are paid through the capital budget. This issue brief outlines the types of projects...
Information technology (IT) is used by every state agency to make operations more efficient and services more widely available to the citizens of Colorado. Along with other day-to-day expenses of state government, expenses related to IT are paid through the operating budget in the state's annual...
Senate Bill (SB) 09-228, adopted by the General Assembly during the 2009 legislative session, creates a five-year block of statutory transfers from the General Fund to finance transportation and capital construction projects. This issue brief discusses the state law that specifies the amounts of...