2016 Blue Book (English)
This booklet provides information on the nine statewide measures on the November 8, 2016, ballot and on the judges who are on the ballot for retention in your area.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThis booklet provides information on the nine statewide measures on the November 8, 2016, ballot and on the judges who are on the ballot for retention in your area.
Este cuadernillo proporciona información sobre las nueve medidas de la balota del 8 de noviembre de 2016 para todo el estado y sobre los jueces que están en la balota y se presentan para retención en su área.
En nuestro trabajo, todos merecemos ser juzgados por nuestras capacidades y nuestro desempeño. Los jueces no son distintos. Así que nuestro estado creó un proceso para evaluar con justicia el trabajo de cada juez e informárselo a usted. Así usted podrá tomar una decisión informada cuando vote....
Statutory Provisions Governing the Preparation of Fiscal Impact Statements for Statewide Ballot Measures
La Enmienda T elimina texto que actualmente permite que se use la esclavitud y servidumbre involuntaria como castigo tras ser condenado por un crimen.
Crime Classification Guide 2014 - Elections
This memorandum provides information on intergovernmental transfers of revenue from the state government to Colorado's 64 counties. Data from 2010 show that of $5.0 billion in total county revenue, about $1.3 billion or 25.8 percent came from intergovernmental transfers. The state portion made...
The 2014 general election includes races for several state and federal offices. This issue brief provides an overview of key dates for the 2014 primary and general elections and highlights other information on voter registration, mail ballots, and voting procedures after various changes to...
This issue brief examines Colorado's fireworks law, including the ability of cities and counties to regulate fireworks.
This issue brief provides information on the relative size of state and local governments, compared with the total state economy. Government expenditures are represented as a percentage of the state's gross domestic product (GDP). In Colorado, stategovernmentexpendituresarebelowthenational...
This issue brief provides an overview of voter photo identification (ID) laws nationwide. It outlines which states require voters to present photo identification and explains some of the issues surrounding these laws.
Tiny houses are increasing in popularity as a housing option across the country. This issue brief provides a general overview of the various legal obstacles sometimes faced by individuals who want to own and live in a tiny house in Colorado. It also provides several examples of local and state...
Colorado’s Enterprise Zone Program was created by the General Assembly in 1986. The program provides state income tax credits to business and individuals for investing in economically distressed areas of the state in an effort to encourage economic development. This issue brief describes the...
Urban renewal provides a set of tools available to local governments to combat slum and blight conditions. This issue brief highlights urban renewal laws and financing in Colorado.
Colorado's Adult Protective Services (APS) system, first established in 1983, protects at-risk adults who, because of mental or physical ability, are unable to obtain services or otherwise protect their own health, safety, and welfare. In response to greater awareness of at-risk populations,...
This memorandum provides an overview of Colorado campaign finance and disclosure requirements for political office candidates. Specifically, this memorandum provides information on:
Colorado’s state court system is comprised of many different courts, including the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals (COA), and district courts. Colorado law also governs county courts and jurisdiction-specific courts in Denver.1 This issue brief describes the qualification requirements and...
There are 86 courthouse facilities in Colorado: 71 courthouses and 15 probation offices. This issue brief provides an overview of court and court facility funding. Specifically, information is provided on state, county, and municipal court funding requirements and state supplemental funding...
Schedule of Title Board Hearing Dates and Related Deadlines (December 2016 – April 2017)
The Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) 1 creates a presumption in favor of public access to government documents. This issue brief addresses CORA’s two threshold questions: 1) what is and is not considered a public record; and 2) which public records are exempt from disclosure. It also briefly...
Presented to the Joint Local Affairs Committee.
Presented to the Joint Local Affairs Committee.
Presented to the Joing Local Government Committee.
Presented to the Joint Local Government Committee.