FY 2025-26 Tobacco Revenue Staff Budget Briefing *SUMMARY*
Discussion of the Health Care Safety Net and Recent Changes in Uncompensated Care *Speaker Notes Added 10/17/24*
Update from the Department of Regulatory Agencies Regarding Certified Nurse Aides
Update by the Department of Education Regarding Healthy School Meals for All Implementation
Presentation by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing Regarding the Public Health Emergency Unwind
Judicial (Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel & Courts and Probation) Consideration of Interim Supplemental Funding Requests Submitted Pursuant to H.B. 98-1331
Local Affairs Consideration of Interim Supplemental Funding Requests Submitted Pursuant to H.B. 98-1331
State Consideration of Interim Supplemental Funding Requests Submitted Pursuant to H.B. 98-1331
1. This act was passed without a safety clause. It takes effect at 12:01 a.m.