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s_jud_2017a_2017-01-30t13:31:29z1 Hearing Summary

Date: 01/30/2017

Location: SCR 352


Sunset Review - Management of Domestic Violence Offenders


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01:36 PM -- Sunset Review - Management of Domestic Violence Offenders

Brian Tobias, representing the Department of Regulatory Affairs (DORA), presented a sunset review report entitled Management of Domestic Violence Offenders (Attachment A). He discussed the sunset review process in general and spoke about the statutory authority to conduct the reviews. He explained that the recommendations included in the report are compiled into a draft bill for the committee to consider (Attachment B). Mr. Tobias provided general information about the Colorado Domestic Violence Offender Management Board (DVOMB) and the work of the board in promulgating standards for the treatment of domestic violence offenders.

Attachment A can be viewed at Legislative Council 17SenateJud0130AttachB.pdf17SenateJud0130AttachB.pdf

01:45 PM

In response to questions from the committee, Mr. Tobias listed some of the core goals for domestic violence offenders in the treatment process. He spoke about the lack of adequate numbers of qualified treatment providers across the state. He moved on to a discussion of DORA's six recommendations. He explained the recommendations in detail and provided background information about the reason for each.

01:55 PM

Mr. Tobias responded to questions from the committee about board membership requirements. He provided clarification about the qualifications recommended by DORA for board membership.

02:01 PM --
Dr. Reo Leslie, Jr., representing the Colorado Mental Health Professionals Association, testified in support of the recommendations contained in the report. He asked that the administrative recommendations be strengthened, if possible. He spoke about the lack of available qualified domestic violence treatment providers in Colorado. Dr. Leslie responded to questions from the committee.

02:07 PM --
David Harrison, representing himself, testified about the DORA recommendations. He discussed his experience as a former member of the DVOMB and expressed his opinion that the board should be held to its statutory authority. He indicated that, in his experience, the board often exceeds such authority. He continued discussing his reservations about the work of the board and responded to questions from the committee.

02:20 PM

Senator Gardner announced that he would not entertain a motion to introduce the draft bill. He laid over the review for further discussion at a later date.

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