j_micjs_2016a_2016-08-22t09:08:10z5 Hearing Summary
Date: 08/22/2016
Presentation on Vacant State Buildings
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10:52 AM -- Presentation on Vacant State Buildings
Matt Becker, Legislative Council Staff, provided a memorandum concerning state-owned vacant buildings (Attachment G). He provided an overview of the Capital Development Committee and the reporting requirements related to state-owned vacant buildings. He explained the status of the vacant buildings outlined in Table 2 of the memorandum. Mr. Becker answered questions about why certain buildings are slated for demolition and whether any of the buildings could be used for housing for persons with mental illness who are involved in the criminal justice systems. Committee discussion about vacant buildings ensued.
11:04 AM
Lauren Lambert Schreier, Department of Human Services, discussed Senate Bill 16-178, which requires the Department of Human Services to sell the Grand Junction Regional Center by 2018. She referenced the work of the Regional Center Task Force and the various entities that were involved in Senate Bill 16-178. She discussed the cost-effectiveness of repurposing the buildings or selling the campus to another state entity. Mr. Becker answered questions about the vacant state-owned buildings listed in the memorandum. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, discussed the master planning process that the Department of Human Services is currently undergoing. She referenced an upcoming presentation in December to the Capital Development Committee by the Department of Human Services and the Office of the State Architect. Ms. Donaldson answered questions about how the MICJS Legislative Oversight Committee could engage with the Capital Development Committee regarding repurposing vacant state-owned buildings to provide housing for persons with mental illness who are involved in the criminal justice system. Ms. Schreier discussed the master planning the Department of Human Services is currently undergoing.