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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

s_sa_2016a_2016-02-01t13:34:00z2 Hearing Summary

Date: 02/01/2016




Votes: View--> Action Taken:
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03:36 PM -- SB16-038

Senator Aguilar presented Senate Bill 16-038 and provided a handout (Attachment A) to the committee. The bill makes all writings made, maintained, or kept by a community-centered board (CCB) that receives more than 75% if its funding on an annual basis from the federal, the state, or a local government or from any combination of such governmental entities subject to public inspection as a "public record" under the Colorado Open Records Act. The bill also requires the State Auditor, at least once every 5 years or more frequently at the State Auditor's discretion, to conduct or cause to be conducted a performance audit of each CCB described above, to determine whether such CCB is effectively and efficiently fulfilling its statutory obligations. A CCB becomes subject to the audit requirement when the CCB initially satisfies the 75% funding requirement for any one year regardless of whether or not the funding level decreases below 75% in any subsequent year. The bill requires the State Auditor to submit a written report and recommendations to the Legislative Audit Committee. The cost of any performance audit undertaken is imposed on the CCB.


03:42 PM -- Maureen Welch, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

03:46 PM --
Dr. Denver Fox, representing himself, testified in support of the bill and provided a handout (Attachment B).


03:50 PM --
Ed Arnold, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

03:55 PM --
Dawn Caldwell, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

04:00 PM --
Christy Kopp, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

04:07 PM --
Rick Newell, representing IECP-Metro, testified in support of the bill.

04:10 PM --
Francesca Maes, representing Colorado Cross Disability Coalition, testified in support of the bill.

04:12 PM --
Darlene Beals, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

04:17 PM --
Alan Beals, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

04:19 PM --
Marcia Tewell, representing the Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council, testified in support of the bill.

04:24 PM --
Katherine Carol, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

04:27 PM --
John Nevins, representing Imagine, testified against the bill.

04:32 PM --
Laura Koch, representing Imagine, testified against the bill.

04:39 PM -- Josh Rael, representing Alliance, testified on the bill and presented handouts (Attachments C and D) to the committee.

16SenateState0201AttachC.pdf16SenateState0201AttachC.pdf 16SenateState0201AttachD.pdf16SenateState0201AttachD.pdf

04:42 PM --
Randy Brodersen, North Metro Community Services, testified on the bill.

04:50 PM --
Marijo Rymer, representing the Arc of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.

04:54 PM --
Katie Dahl, representing Colorado Common Cause, testified in support of the bill.

04:58 PM -- Catherine Strode, representing Advocacy Denver, testified in support of the bill.

04:58 PM -- Ruth Newell, representing Parent to Parent of Colorado, testified in support of the bill and presented a handout (Attachment E) to the committee.


05:03 PM --
Shari Repinski, representing Rocky Mountain Human Services, testified on the bill.

05:09 PM --
Dave DeNovellis, representing the Department of Health Care Policy & Finance, answered questions from the committee.

05:13 PM --
Dianne Ray, State Auditor, answered questions from the committee.

05:19 PM

Senator Aguilar wrapped up her presentation to the committee.

05:23 PM

Senator Scott laid the bill over for action only.