s_ed_2016a_2016-03-03t13:35:27z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 03/03/2016
Presentation on Teacher Training and Recruitment
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01:35 PM -- Presentation on Teacher Training and Recruitment
Senator Hill, chair, called the meeting to order. He asked Senator Johnston to introduce several guests in the audience. Emily Volkert and Tyler Lawrence from the America Achieves Fellowship told the committee about their professional backgrounds and the fellowship program. Senator Hill asked the next group of presenters to come to the table. Richard Crandall, Commissioner of Education, introduced himself and spoke about issues surrounding teacher recruitment and the need to fill open teaching positions with high quality teachers. Robert Mitchell, Academic Policy Officer for Educator Preparation, Department of Higher Education, spoke about the decrease in enrollment in teacher preparation programs and the difficulty recruiting teachers to rural school districts. Colleen O'Neil, Executive Director of the Office of Professional Services and Educator Licensing, Colorado Department of Education, introduced herself and spoke about alternate education pathways for teacher training and recruitment.
01:59 PM
The presenters answered questions from the committee.