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i_tlrc_2016a_2016-08-31t10:18:00z4 Hearing Summary

Date: 08/31/2016


Presentation of HB 16-1031 Research Study


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01:16 PM -- Presentation of the Transportation Commission District Research Study

Bo Pogue and Louis Pino, Legislative Council Staff, began their presentation of the Transportation Commission District Research Study, which studied changes to the state's Transportation Commission districts since 1991 pursuant to House Bill 16-1031 (Attachment E). Mr. Pogue discussed the purpose of the study. He provided an overview of Transportation Commission duties and discussed boundary changes since its inception in 1913. Mr. Pino provided an overview of statewide changes to population and annual vehicle miles traveled, clarifying that the report focuses solely on roads in the state highway system, which include interstates, U.S. highways, toll roads, and the numbered state highways. The presenters discussed each commission district in detail.

Attachment E - HB 16-1031 Study.pdfAttachment E - HB 16-1031 Study.pdf

1:36 PM

Detailed presentations of each commission district continued. The presenters responded to clarifying questions from the committee. Mr. Pino discussed significant boundary changes to Transportation Planning Regions, regional transportation authorities and the Regional Transportation District, counties, and municipalities. Representative Tyler expressed his hope this would be shared with new legislators. Representative Carver stated an interest in learning more about the devolution of state highways to local control and how this impacts rural roads. Representative Mitsch Bush added that she would like more information about how road devolution impacts mountain passes. Mr. Pino showed a preview of an online mapping tool that includes all the data to be posted on the website when complete.

02:00 PM

Herman Stockinger and Andy Karsian, CDOT, came back to the table to respond to a question from Senator Baumgardner on project prioritization between bike paths and bridges; specifically, the Genesee Bike Path and a bridge at Johnson Village on US-24. Representative Mitsch Bush asked the CDOT representatives to discuss disparities between population and annual vehicle miles traveled as demonstrated in the HB 16-1031 report. Mr. Stockinger offered to provide more information at a future date. Senator Baumgardner returned to a question about the US-24 bridge. Representative Esgar asked for an update on the Ilex Project on I-25 in Pueblo. Mr. Stockinger offered to provide her an answer by end of day.