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h_sa_2016a_2016-04-11t13:41:29z0 Hearing Summary

Date: 04/11/2016


BILL SUMMARY for HB16-1219


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Adopt amendment L.005 (Attachment A) to House BIll Pass Without Objection

01:42 PM -- HB16-1219

Representative Ryden announced that Senate Bill 16-006, which was listed on the day's calendar, would instead be heard at a later date.

Representative Priola, sponsor, presented House Bill 16-1219 to the committee. This bill requires county clerks (clerks) to assume the responsibility of providing driver license services as soon as possible, but no later than July 1, 2021. Driver license services include the issuance of driver licenses, instruction permits and identification cards as well as testing. Whenever feasible, clerks must provide driver license services at the same location that they provide registration and titling services. The Department of Revenue (DOR), which currently provides driver license services, is required to work with the clerks to identify the actions and funding needed for the clerks to assume this responsibility in the most efficient manner. This bill also requires DOR to maximize state cost savings by closing state driver license offices that are no longer needed.

Committee members discussed the bill with Representative Priola.

01:55 PM --
Phil Ross, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.

01:58 PM --
Angela Myers, Larimer County Clerk and Recorder representing Larimer County and the Colorado County Clerks' Association (CCCA), testified against the bill.

02:03 PM --
Chuck Broerman, El Paso County Clerk representing CCCA, testified against the bill and responded to committee member questions.

02:07 PM --
Bill Clayton, representing Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI), testified against the bill and responded to committee member questions.

02:10 PM

Representative Priola discussed amendment L.005 (Attachment A).


Chris Creighton, Legislative Council Staff, spoke about the fiscal impact of amendment L.005 and responded to committee member questions.

BILL: HB16-1219
TIME: 02:21:58 PM
MOVED: Neville P.
MOTION: Adopt amendment L.005 (Attachment A) to House BIll 16-1219. The motion passed without objection.
SECONDED: Humphrey
Neville P.
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

02:22 PM

Representative Priola wrapped up his presentation of the bill. Committee members commented on the bill.

The bill was laid over for action later in the meeting.