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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

h_jud_2016a_2016-03-10t13:40:21z1 Hearing Summary

Date: 03/10/2016


BILL SUMMARY for HB16-1263


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
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03:01 PM -- HB16-1263

The committee returned to order.

03:02 PM

The committee recessed.

03:17 PM

The committee returned to order. Representative Williams, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 16-1263, concerning updates to the statutory prohibition on profiling by peace officers. Representative Williams explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. She also discussed efforts to address the issue of profiling during the 2015 legislative session. Representative Williams discussed a forthcoming amendment to the bill. The following persons testified regarding HB 16-1263:

03:22 PM --
Chief Michael Phibbs, representing the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, testified in support of the bill as amended. Chief Phibbs discussed some concerns his organization has with the bill, and noted that these concerns are likely to be addressed through amendment.

03:25 PM --
Ms. Valerie Schlecht, representing the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Schlecht discussed the impact of profiling on the disability community.

03:27 PM --
Ms. Janet Huffor, representing the El Paso County Sheriff's Department, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Huffor explained that her office supports forthcoming amendments, and discussed some community forums her office has conducted. Ms. Huffor reiterated support for forthcoming amendments.

03:31 PM --
Ms. Jean Fredlund, representing the League of Women Voters, testified in support of HB 16-1263. Ms. Fredlund supported the bill from a civil liberties perspective.

03:33 PM --
Ms. Denise Maes, representing the American Civil Liberties Union, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Maes expressed support for some forthcoming amendments.

03:37 PM

The committee recessed.

03:53 PM

The committee returned to order.