01:36:37 PM |
Senator Kirkmeyer and Senator Marchman, co-sponsors, presented Senate Bill 25-119, which concerns measures to modify the Colorado Department of Early Childhood. They provided opening comments and distributed amendments L.003, L.006, and L.007 (Attachments A, B, and C) and explained the amendments. Senator Bright distributed amendment L.005 (Attachment D). The co-sponsors answered questions from the committee.
02:01:30 PM |
The co-sponsors continued to answer questions from the committee.
02:10:57 PM |
Christina Walker, representing Healthier Colorado, testified in opposition to the bill. Mark Arbitrio, representing Ivybrook Academy, testified to amend the bill. Nicole Riehl, representing Executives Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC), testified in opposition to the bill. Dr. Cathrine Assen Floyd, representing Save the Children Action Network, testified in opposition to the bill. Heather Tritten, representing CO Children's Campaign, testified in opposition to the bill.
02:23:36 PM |
The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.
02:26:03 PM |
Dawn Odean, representing Colorado Department of Early Childhood, testified in opposition to the bill. Pam Melot, representing Creative Learning Preschool, testified to amend the bill. Amy May, representing Treehouse Learning, testified to amend the bill. Dawn Alexander, representing Early Childhood Education Association of CO (ECEA), testified to amend the bill.
02:36:45 PM |
The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.
02:51:21 PM |
Sabina Andersson, representing Colorado Department of Early Childhood, came to the table to answer questions from the committee. Jeanni Stefanik, representing Colorado Department of Early Childhood, answered questions from the committee.
02:55:30 PM |
Hannah Baer, representing Clayton Early Learning, testified in opposition to the bill. Amy Buford, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Heather Frenz, representing the Colorado Head Start Association, testified in opposition to the bill. Yvonne Franklin, representing Save the Children Action Network, testified in opposition to the bill. Melissa Gibson, representing Colorado Association of School Executives and the Colorado Consortium of Special Education Directors, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Jamie Ulrich, representing Weld County and Colorado Counties Inc, testified in an amend position on the bill.
03:10:25 PM |
The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.
03:13:43 PM |
Sherrylynn Boyles, representing the LCOs of El Paso County, testified in an amend position on the bill.
03:16:31 PM |
Additional written
testimony can be found as Attachment E.
03:17:22 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.003 |
Moved |
Marchman |
Seconded |
Bright |
Kipp |
Lundeen |
Michaelson Jenet |
Rich |
Marchman |
Kolker |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
03:17:37 PM |
Senator Marchman
explained amendment L.006 (Attachment B).
03:19:48 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.006 |
Moved |
Marchman |
Seconded |
Bright |
Yes |
Kipp |
Yes |
Lundeen |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
No |
Rich |
Yes |
Marchman |
Yes |
Kolker |
Yes |
03:20:05 PM |
Senator Marchman
explained amendment L.007 (Attachment C).
03:21:25 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.007 |
Moved |
Marchman |
Seconded |
Bright |
Kipp |
Lundeen |
Michaelson Jenet |
Rich |
Marchman |
Kolker |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
03:21:40 PM |
Senator Bright explained
amendment L.005 (Attachment D).
03:22:12 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.005 |
Moved |
Bright |
Seconded |
Bright |
Kipp |
Lundeen |
Michaelson Jenet |
Rich |
Marchman |
Kolker |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
03:22:14 PM |
Senator Kolker laid
the bill over until Wednesday, March 5, for action only.