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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

J_CDC_2025A 02/20/2025 08:11:40 AM Committee Summary

Date 02/20/2025
Hinrichsen X
Lindsay E
Pelton B. X
Winter T. X
Mullica *
Story X
Time 08:11:40 AM to 08:56:04 AM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Story
This Report was prepared by Nina Forbes
Hearing Items Action Taken
Consideration of the Sand Creek Massacre Memorial Committee Discussion Only

Consideration of the Sand Creek Massacre Memorial - Committee Discussion Only

08:11:54 AM  
Chris Tall Bear,
representative from the Southern Cheyenne and Arapahoe Tribes, introduced
himself and gave brief remarks to begin the meeting. The presentation is
included as Attachment A.
08:15:26 AM  
Gerald Anthony Shippen,
sculptor, gave a brief introduction on his background and presented the
design of the sand creek massacre memorial statute.  
08:25:05 AM  
Chris Tall Bear gave
additional comments. Mark Rodgers, architectural consultant, commented
on the design.
08:25:58 AM  
Committee members made comments
08:26:11 AM  
Elleni Sclavenitis,
Executive Director of the Sand Creek Massacre Foundation, gave additional
comments on the members of the Sand Creek Massacre memorial Committee and
the timeline for the fabrication and installation of the statute. Mr. Shippen
gave additional comments on the fabrication process.
08:33:54 AM  
Chris Tall Bear gave
additional comments, Gail Ridgely, representative from the Northern Arapahoe
Tribe, gave additional comments on the long process of planning for the
08:42:24 AM  
Mr. Shippen gave additional comments.
08:45:01 AM  
Senator Hinrichsen gave comments.
08:48:20 AM  
Representative Story gave comments.
08:48:34 AM  
Nicholas Severn,
Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
(DMVA), introduced himself and began his presentation on the union soldier
statue and DMVA's plan for relocating the statue to Grand Junction. DMVA's
presentation is included as Attachment B.
08:53:49 AM  
Mr. Severn responded to questions from the committee.
08:53:50 AM  
The Chair laid over action on the approval of the projects to the next committee meeting on March 6.

08:56:04 AM   The committee adjourned.