10:56:19 AM |
Bill sponsors, Representative
Lieder and Representative Ricks, gave opening comments on House Bill 25-1077,
Backflow Prevention Devices Requirements, and provided a handout (Attachment
B). The bill specifies that backflow device inspection, testing, or repair
does not require plumbing occupational licensure from the Department of
Regulatory Agencies.
10:58:52 AM |
Nicole Rowan, representing Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, testified to amend the bill.
11:02:38 AM |
Sonny Welch, representing Plumbers Local 3, testified to amend the bill.
11:06:58 AM |
Tor Drangsholt, representing
Sprinker Fitters, testified to ammend the bill.
11:09:49 AM |
Mr. Randy Drennen,
representing the Rocky Mountain Mechanical Contractors Association, testified
to amend the bill.
11:10:06 AM |
Committee members asked the witness panel questions.
11:12:31 AM |
Colleen Morrison, representing Backflow Association of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
11:13:50 AM |
Victor Branstetter, representing Backflow Association of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
11:17:52 AM |
Committee members asked the witness panel questions.
11:21:49 AM |
Mr. Andy Hill, representing Denver Water, testified in support of the bill.
11:23:19 AM |
Ms. Heather Stauffer,
representing the Colorado Municipal League, testified in support of the
11:26:04 AM |
Claude Strait, representing
Colorado Rural Water Association, testified in support of the bill.
11:26:05 AM |
Representatives Lieder
and Ricks discussed amendment L004 (Attachment C) to House Bill 25-1077.
11:31:40 AM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.004 |
Moved |
Ricks |
Seconded |
Mauro |
Armagost |
Brooks |
English |
Keltie |
Lieder |
Lindstedt |
Marshall |
Mauro |
Richardson |
Rydin |
Suckla |
Woodrow |
Ricks |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
11:32:06 AM |
Representatives Lieder
and Ricks discussed amendment L002 (Attachment D) to House Bill 25-1077.
11:32:27 AM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.002 |
Moved |
Lieder |
Seconded |
Mauro |
Armagost |
Brooks |
English |
Keltie |
Lieder |
Lindstedt |
Marshall |
Mauro |
Richardson |
Rydin |
Suckla |
Woodrow |
Ricks |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
11:33:48 AM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 25-1077, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Lieder |
Seconded |
Ricks |
Armagost |
Yes |
Brooks |
Yes |
English |
Yes |
Keltie |
Yes |
Lieder |
Yes |
Lindstedt |
Yes |
Marshall |
Yes |
Mauro |
Yes |
Richardson |
Yes |
Rydin |
Yes |
Suckla |
Yes |
Woodrow |
Yes |
Ricks |
Yes |
Final |