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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

S_TRA_2025A 01/17/2025 10:34:49 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/17/2025
Barron X
Boesenecker *
Catlin X
Cutter *
Exum *
Hinrichsen X
Lindsay X
Mullica X
Paschal X
Pelton B. X
Phillips X
Richardson X
Simpson X
Stewart R. X
Suckla X
Sullivan X
Valdez X
Woodrow X
Woog X
Winter F. E
Froelich X
Time 10:34:49 AM to 12:56:20 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Froelich
This Report was prepared by Dan Graeve
Hearing Items Action Taken
Presentation by the Joint Budget Committee Pursuant to Joint Rule 25 (d) Committee Discussion Only
Department of Transportation SMART Act Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Regional Transportation District Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Committee Discussion Only

Presentation by the Joint Budget Committee Pursuant to Joint Rule 25 (d) - Committee Discussion Only

10:35:01 AM  
Representative Taggart
introduced members of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) and staff to the
committee and provided an overview of the FY 2025-26 Budget Briefing Highlights
as related to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). The Briefing
can be accessed at
10:41:38 AM  
JBC members responded to questions from the committee.

Department of Transportation SMART Act Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

10:53:43 AM  
Shoshana Lew, Executive
Director, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), provided an overview
of the department to the committee. The CDOT presentation and other meeting
materials can be accessed at
10:59:47 AM  
Jeffrey Sudmeier,
Chief Financial Officer, presented to the committee on the department's
FY 2025-26 Budget Request.
11:00:11 AM  
Darius Pakbaz, Director of Transportation Development, presented to the committee on the department's 10-year plan.
11:09:35 AM  
Keith Stefanik, Chief
Engineer, presented to the committee on the department's goal of advancing
transportation safety.
11:11:17 AM  
Mr. Stefanik spoke
about the department's 2025 State Highway Safety Plan.
11:15:53 AM  
Kay Kelly, Chief
of Innovative Mobility, presented to the committee on the department's
efforts on Clean Transportation. Ms. Kelly discussed trends in vehicle
miles traveled, sales of electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging
11:20:07 AM  
Ms. Kelly spoke about
the department's efforts on expanding transit, including developments on
the Bustang program and work related to Bus Rapid Transit. Finally, Ms.
Kelly touched on work on Front Range Passenger Rail and Mountain Rail Service.
11:25:04 AM  
The department responded
to questions from the committee regarding rural bus routes and electric
vehicle infrastructure.
11:35:49 AM  
The presenters continued
to respond to questions regarding traffic safety and rural road conditions.
11:44:51 AM  
Committee discussion
11:54:18 AM  
The department continued to respond to questions from the committee regarding freight traffic, relevant enterprises, and rural resurfacing.

Regional Transportation District Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

12:07:07 PM  
Michael Davies, Government Relations Officer, Regional Transportation District (RTD), introduced the panel to the committee and provided an overview of the topics in the presentation.
12:07:39 PM  
Doug MacLeod, Chief Financial Officer, presented to the committee on the background of RTD, the revenue sources of the district, and other financial details of the district's operations.
12:16:18 PM  
John McKay, Executive Business Partner, presented on annual survey results and analysis.
12:23:36 PM  
Presenters responded to questions from the committee.
12:35:47 PM  
Presenters continued to respond to questions from the committee.

Public Testimony - Committee Discussion Only

12:40:23 PM  
Joel Sayres, representing
themself, testified on community health and safety impacts of regional
airport activity.
12:46:04 PM  
Robert Boutelle,
representing themself, testified on community health and safety impacts
of regional airport activity.
12:49:30 PM  
Laurie Sayres, representing themself, testified on community health and safety impacts of regional airport activity.
12:52:34 PM  
Drew Fuller, representing themself, testified on health and safety impacts from regional airport activity.

12:56:20 PM   The committee adjourned.