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D003D2BE10D1BC0987258B0F000004C0 Hearing Summary


Date Apr 29, 2024      
Location HCR 0112

SB24-150 - Committee Discussion Only

06:00:15 PM  
The committee took a brief recess.
06:03:56 PM  
The committee returned to order. Representative Froelich, prime sponsor, presented Senate Bill 24-150. The bill modifies laws around processing solid waste. Amendments L.020 (Attachment C), L.022 (Attachment D), and L.025 (Attachment E) were distributed and explained.
06:24:14 PM  

Mr. Christopher Howes, representing the National Waste & Recycling Association , testified in opposition to the bill. Laurie Johnson, representing Circular Colorado, testified in opposition to the bill. Laura Davis, representing Circular Colorado , testified in opposition to the bill. David Snapp, representing Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, testified to amend the bill.  Additional written testimony is included as Attachment F.