04:05:50 PM |
04:07:28 PM |
04:09:25 PM |
Senator Priola, primary
bill sponsor, presented House Bill 24-1028, which permits the governing
board of a municipality to authorize overdose prevention centers within
their boundaries. Overdose prevention centers provide space for individuals
to use controlled substances under the supervision of healthcare professionals
or other trained staff that can provide life-saving treatment during an
overdose, and other harm reduction services.
Committee members asked the bill sponsors questions.
04:15:12 PM |
Adam Turk, representing Colorado Association of the Chiefs of Police - Greeley Police Department, testified in opposition to the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions.
04:26:38 PM |
Mike Wilson, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
Nancy Friedland, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
Eva Chan, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
Ginny Burton, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions.
04:42:28 PM |
Matthew Server, representing Colorado Catholic Conference, testified in opposition to the bill.
Michelle Steeb, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
June Churchill, representing Greater Denver Transit, testified in a neutral position on the bill.
Ms. Marla Fernandez, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
Greg Sadar, representing Colorado Association of the Chiefs of Police - Commerce City Police Department, testified in opposition to the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions.
05:11:47 PM |
Ms. Erin Meschke, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
05:14:29 PM |
Lisi Owen, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Ms. MJ Coleman Jackson, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions
05:23:25 PM |
Dr. Jody Ryan, representing WellPower, testified in support of the bill.
Molly McKinley, representing Denver Streets Partnership, testified in support of the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions.
05:30:33 PM |
Dr. Katherine LeMasters, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Katrina Zamudio, representing Young Invincibles, testified in support of the bill.
Mr. Kyle Giddings, representing Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, testified in support of the bill.
Christopher Bonham, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Brian Jimenez Fraile, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
05:42:20 PM |
Joseph Mitchell, representing Young Invincibles, testified in support of the bill.
Ms. Ruth Carlock, representing The Brain Injury Association of Maryland, testified in support of the bill.
Mr. Michael Neil, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Mr. Steven Haden, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
05:53:46 PM |
Ean Tafoya, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Ms. Betsy Craft, representing Colorado Drug Policy Coalition, testified in support of the bill.
Tonya Wheeler, representing Advocates for Recovery, testified in support of the bill.
Mr. Dave Wasserman, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Camden Sharkey, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions.
06:10:11 PM |
Ms. Pamela Clifton, representing Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, testified in support of the bill.
Dr. Colleen Casper, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Dr. Stephanie Stewart, representing Colorado Society of Addiction Medicine, testified in support of the bill.
Hannan Braun, representing Colorado Society of Addiction Medicine, testified in support of the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions.
06:31:18 PM |
Lisa Peterson, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Dr. Barrett Montgomery, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Dr. Vivian Aranda-Hughes, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Ms. Breeah Kinsella, representing Colorado Providers Association, testified in support of the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions.
07:01:24 PM |
Bailey Kramer, representing Colorado Mental Wellness Network, testified in support of the bill.
Lisa Raville, representing Harm Reduction Action Center, testified in support of the bill.
Mr. Brian Erickson, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Dr. Vincent Atchity, representing Mental Health Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
Committee members asked the panel questions.
07:29:07 PM |
Mx. Dana Steiner,
representing Colorado Freedom Fund, testified in support of the bill.
Mx. Z Williams, representing Bread and Roses, testified in support of the
Ms. Barb Cardell, representing Colorado Organizations and Individuals Responding
to HIV/AIDS and US Positive Women's Network, testified in support of the
Mr. Dennis Pales, representing Colorado Society of Addiction Medicine,
testified in support of the bill.
Shannon Bucci, representing themself, was available to answer committee
Committee members asked the panel questions.
07:46:14 PM |
Richard Woodruff,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Mr. Woodruff provided a handout to the committee (Attachment H).
Additional written testimony was submitted to the committee (Attachment
07:50:15 PM |
The primary bill sponsor provided closing remarks.
07:54:52 PM |
Committee members provided closing remarks.
08:14:08 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 24-1028 to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Ginal |
Seconded |
Cutter |
Yes |
Jaquez Lewis |
Yes |
Lundeen |
No |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Mullica |
No |
Rich |
No |
Will |
No |
Ginal |
No |
Fields |
Yes |
08:14:21 PM
Motion |
Postpone House Bill 24-1028 indefinitely using a reversal of the previous roll call. There was no objection to the use of the reverse roll call, therefore, the bill was postponed indefinitely. |
Moved |
Ginal |
Seconded |
Cutter |
No |
Jaquez Lewis |
No |
Lundeen |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
No |
Mullica |
Yes |
Rich |
Yes |
Will |
Yes |
Ginal |
Yes |
Fields |
No |
Final |