04:53:31 PM |
Senator Rodriguez, prime sponsor, presented Senate Bill 24-205, concerning consumer protections in interactions with artificial intelligence (AI) systems. He distributed an article about AI regulation (Attachment B) and Amendment L.001 (Attachment C).
Committee members asked questions about the strike below amendment and definitions in the bill.
05:07:39 PM |
Mr. Eli Wood, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
Mr. Kouri Marshall, representing Chamber of Progress, testified in opposition to the bill.
Dr. Kelly Kinnebrew, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
Mr. Logan Cerkovnik, representing Thumper AI Corporation, testified in opposition to the bill.
Committee members asked questions about AI protections and regulations. Discussion ensued about discriminatory impacts of AI and how to address them. Further questions were asked about the benefits of AI specific legislation, as opposed to existing frameworks. Discussion continued about over-regulation of AI.
05:45:00 PM |
Dan Murray, representing Rocky Mountain AI Interest Group , testified in opposition to the bill.
Kjersten Forseth, representing CO AFL-CIO, testified in opposition to the bill.
Ms. Drea Modugno, representing Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, testified in opposition to the bill.
Mr. Mike Boucher, representing Santa Technologies LLC, testified in opposition to the bill.
Committee discussion ensued about the concerns raised by the opponents.
05:59:46 PM |
Mr. Kyle Shannon, representing AI Salon, testified in opposition to the bill.
Doug Johnson, representing Consumer Technology Association, testified in opposition to the bill.
Mr. Kenneth Fricklas, representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.
Committee members asked questions about other AI regulations in other countries.
06:14:23 PM |
Mr. Casey Bleeker, representing CEO of SurePath AI, testified to amend the bill.
Jon Nordmark, representing themself, testified to amend the bill.
Ms. Ruthie Barko, representing TechNet, testified to amend the bill.
Committee members asked questions about the bill's impact on innovation and investment. Further discussion ensued about algorithmic models.
06:32:50 PM |
Mr. Michael McReynolds, representing Governor's Office of Information Technology, testified to amend the bill.
Jefferey Riester, representing Department of Law, testified to amend the bill.
Ms. Michelle Hadwiger, representing OEDIT, testified to amend the bill.
Committee members asked questions about AI in state government. Discussion followed about disclosure policies and the procurement process.
07:01:34 PM |
Further discussion was had about how AI might factor into health benefit denials. Questions were raised about deceptive trade practices and exemptions, as outlined in the bill.
07:06:01 PM |
Mr. Robert Monaco, representing Turaco Strategy LLC, testified to amend the bill.
Rachel Beck, representing Colorado Competitive Council, testified to amend the bill.
Ms. Loren Furman, representing Colorado Chamber of Commerce, testified to amend the bill.
Brian Tanner, representing Colorado Association of REALTORS, testified to amend the bill.
Committee members asked questions about AI regulation and business retention.
07:21:08 PM |
Benjapon Frankel, representing Cybernetics Discovery, testified in support of the bill.
Saksham Hassanandani, representing Cherry Creek Cybernetics Club, testified in support of the bill.
Mr. Shourya Hooda, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Beth Rudden, representing Bast AI, testified in support of the bill.
Anaya Robinson, representing ACLU of Colorado, testified to amend the bill.
07:37:19 PM |
Bridget Frazier, representing Colorado Hospital Association, testified to amend the bill.
Mr. Brandon Arnold, representing Colorado Association of Health Plans, testified to amend the bill.
Mr. Jake Parker, representing Security Industry Association, testified to amend the bill.
Committee members asked a clarifying question about AI and First Amendment protections.
07:46:38 PM |
Mr. Andrew Kingman, representing State Privacy & Security Coalition, testified to amend the bill.
Mr. Matthew Scherer, representing Center for Democracy & Technology, testified to amend the bill.
Mr. David Sauther, representing Pinnacol Assurance, testified to amend the bill.
Alison Morgan representing Colorado Bankers Association, testified to amend the bill.
Mr. James Karbach, representing Colorado Public Defender’s Office, testified to amend the bill.
Written comments about the bill are in Attachment C.
08:04:51 PM |
Senator Rodriguez recapped Amendment L.001 (Attachment C).
08:08:39 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment C) |
Moved |
Roberts |
Seconded |
Gardner |
Michaelson Jenet |
Van Winkle |
Roberts |
Gonzales |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
08:08:40 PM |
The bill sponsor made closing remarks.
Committee members made closing remarks.
08:17:14 PM
Motion |
Refer Senate Bill 24-205, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Roberts |
Seconded |
Gardner |
No |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Van Winkle |
No |
Roberts |
Yes |
Gonzales |
Yes |
Final |