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J_CBAC_2023A 02/24/2023 01:33:36 PM Committee Summary

Date 02/24/2023
Matt Becker X
Maria Garcia Berry *
Georgianna Contiguglia X
Dawn DiPrince X
Richard Lee X
Lindstedt *
Eric Mandil X
Cindi Markwell *
Moreno *
Kurt Morrison X
Danielle Oliveto X
Lois Court X
Time 01:33:36 PM to 03:06:25 PM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Lois Court
This Report was prepared by April Bernard
Hearing Items Action Taken
Display of Colorado Constitution Committee Discussion Only
Committee Business Committee Discussion Only
State Historical Fund Grant Agreement Committee Discussion Only
Capitol Building Wall Sconce Committee Discussion Only
Staff Updates Committee Discussion Only
Bollards for Building Security Committee Discussion Only

Display of Colorado Constitution - Committee Discussion Only

01:35:20 PM  
Aly Jabrocki, representing
Colorado State Archives, presented the results of a study authorized by
Senate Bill 22-102 to consider the public display of the original Colorado
Constitution in the Capitol.  A copy of the study was provided to
the committee (Attachment A).  Ms. Jabrocki responded to questions
from the committee
01:37:41 PM  
Jason Hanson, representing
History Colorado, responded to questions froom the committee.
01:40:09 PM  

Jeanette Chapman, representing Legislative Council Staff, responded to questions from the committee regarding their responsibilities related to the display of the constitution under Senate Bill 22-012 and to the recommendations of the proposal.

01:40:48 PM  
Mr. Hanson responded to questions from the committee.
01:41:07 PM  

Dawn DiPrince, committee member and Executive Director of History Colorado, provided additional information about the proposal.

01:43:30 PM  
The committee decided
to table the item for further action at the next committee meeting scheduled
for May 19, 2023.
01:45:14 PM  

Richard Lee, committee member representing the Department of Personnel, talked about the need for a possible engineering study for placement of any type of secure case, budgeting needs, and expressed concerng about potential issues with keeping the document secure in the building.

Committee Business - Committee Discussion Only

01:47:46 PM  

The committee members introduced themselves.

01:56:07 PM  
The committee discussed
nominations for chair of the Captol Building Advisory Committee (CBAC).
 Former Senator Lois Court was appointed to chair of the committee.

01:57:08 PM  
The committee discussed
nominations for vice chair of CBAC.  Sen. Morneo was appointed to
vice chair of the committee.

State Historical Fund Grant Agreement - Committee Discussion Only

01:58:05 PM  
Senator Morneno provided
background on the issue of vacating an agreement between the legislative
branch and History Colorado.  The agreement provided $1 million in
funding annually for building projects related to the historic preservation
of the Capitol.  The committee discussed a proposed letter to the
Executive Committee of the Legislative Council to recommend vacating the
agreement.  A copy of a draft letter can by found in Attachment B.

01:58:42 PM  

Senator Moreno wanted feedback from the committee before action by the Executive Committee of Legislative Council.

01:59:39 PM  

Ms. DiPrince talked about the agreement, including future projects for the State Capitol.  Currently, History Colorado typically supports 50 percent of the projects where grant applications are submitted.

02:01:42 PM  
Ms. DiPrince provided
a handout (Attachment C), representing a snapshot of how $1 million dollars
in investments from the State Historical Funds is spent.

02:04:18 PM  
Legislative Council
staff provided a handout of remaining historic preservation projects around
the building (Attachment D).
02:04:46 PM  

Ms. DiPrince responded to questions from committee members.

02:05:31 PM  
Ms. Chapman provided
additional information about the projects listed in Attachment D.

02:06:26 PM  
Senator Moreno talked
about the project list identified in Attachment D.  He indicated that
these are future projects that may be funded in other ways.

02:09:18 PM  

Ms. DiPrince provided statistical information about the impact of State Historical Fund projects, including $4 billion of indirect economic impacts, 20,000 jobs, and funds provided for projects in all 64 counties, including 60 to 70 percent of projects in rural areas.

02:11:07 PM  
There was a discussion
about the steward of the agreement, the Executive Committee.  The
Executive Committee approved suspension of the agreement in 2020.

02:12:46 PM
Motion Recommend that the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council vacate the agreement between the Legislative Branch and History Colorado in its entirety.
Moved Lois Court
Matt Becker
Maria Garcia Berry Excused
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Lindstedt Excused
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Moreno Excused
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Lois Court
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

Capitol Building Wall Sconce - Committee Discussion Only

02:13:15 PM  

Ms. Chapman discussed the discovery of an antique sconce from the Capitol that is currently up for sale on Ebay.  CBAC staff recommends that the committee attempt to obtain the sconce from the seller. Committee discussion ensued.

02:14:00 PM  
Ms. Chapmans said
that staff recommend procuring the sconce, hopefully without expenditure
of money.  She said that there should also be a discussion about how
to handle future items.
02:16:41 PM  
Committee members discussed the issue.
02:17:05 PM  

There was a discussion about alerting the lobbyist for eBay.  There was a continued discussion about finding the item.

02:21:23 PM  
There was a discussion
about an inventory of artifacts.  The committee discussed the inventory
as a way to track items.  Ms. DiPrince talked about identifying items
of historical importance in the State Capitol building.
02:22:29 PM  
Ms. DiPrince offered
support from History Colorado on an inventory.  She suggested that
the inventory may if items disappear in the future.  
02:24:10 PM  

There was a discussion about original items, including whether or not the sconce is original.  The committee discussed speaker gavels and chairs, including that these items may not be original.

02:24:46 PM  
There was a discussion
about coordinating with History Colorado for collections.
02:26:30 PM  
Committee discussion
continued, including how to protect significant items going forward.
02:28:26 PM  

Committee members voiced an interest in identifying what should be protected; how to protect artifacts; an inventory; and legal standing.

02:29:54 PM  
Nicole Myers, representing
the Office of Legislative Legal Services, discussed how to move forward
with legal authority to retrieve items that were taken.
02:30:43 PM  

The committee discussed that there may not have been a policy at the time for disposal of property.  There was a discussion about use of the state seal.

02:33:06 PM  
The committee discussed
artificats that are original to the building, including a period of significance.
 Committee members discussed the need for a reference book with photographs
that identify artificats.
02:35:12 PM  

There was a discussion about asking that the holder of the sconce donate the item to the committee.

02:35:47 PM  
Committee members
suggested that staff work with History Colorado to  continue or begin
an inventory of items in the State Capitol that should remain in the buuilding,
in addition to the Office of Legislative Legal Services reviewing the statutory
authority to pursue items prior to and after the creation of CBAC.
02:37:41 PM  

There was a dicussion about a 501c3 non-profit, associated with State Capitol, including that the sconce could be donated to the existing non-profit.

02:39:47 PM  
Committee members
sugested that a member or staff contact the seller to ask that the sconce
be donated with a tax write off.
02:40:57 PM  

Ms. Chapman provided history about the sconce.

02:41:28 PM  
A committee member
suggested that the State Patrol have a conversation with the seller, suggestion.
 Another committe member shared that the sconce appears to be from
the Governor's office.
02:46:15 PM  

Captain Honn and Ms. Myers will talk about the situation, including legal authority to deal with the situation.

Staff Updates - Committee Discussion Only

02:47:28 PM  
There was a discussion about presidential and governors portraits.

Bollards for Building Security - Committee Discussion Only

02:50:50 PM  

The committee discussed security and bollards during an executive session.

03:05:50 PM
Motion Motion to approve design option two.
Moved Moreno
Matt Becker
Maria Garcia Berry
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Lois Court
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:06:25 PM   The committee adjourned.

The Colorado Senate and House of Representatives will not convene on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details