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S_JUD_2023A 01/19/2023 09:34:57 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/19/2023
Armagost *
Bacon X
Daugherty X
Epps X
Evans X
Garcia *
Gardner E
Luck X
Marshall X
Roberts *
Rodriguez *
Sharbini X
Snyder X
Soper *
Van Winkle X
Woodrow X
Weissman X
Gonzales X
Time 09:34:57 AM to 04:23:44 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Gonzales
This Report was prepared by Bo Pogue
Hearing Items Action Taken
Joint Budget Committee Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Department of Public Safety Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Department of Law Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Office of Public Guardianship Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Office of the Child's Representative Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Child Protection Ombudsman Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Office of the State Public Defender Presentation Committee Discussion Only

Joint Budget Committee Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

09:35:05 AM  

Senator Gonzales made opening remarks about the agenda:  She also announced that the Joint Judiciary hearing cancelled because of the snow day is  rescheduled to February 1. 

Members of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) presented agency budget requests.   The JBC Staff Budget Summary for FY 2023-24 may be found here:

Representative Bockenfeld discussed the budget for the Department of Corrections.  Committee members asked questions about federal funds, infrastructure, salaries, and staffing.  Discussion followed about levels of custody and bed space,



09:51:55 AM  

Committee members asked questions about reentry housing.  Further discussion ensued about the aging prison population, the Take TWO Reentry program,  and costs of housing inmates in county jails.  Conversation returned to staffing and high costs of inflation. 



10:00:49 AM  

Representative Sirota presented the Judicial Department budget and highlighted staffing and workforce issues.  The committee discussed salary surveys and pay rates for attorneys in other state agencies. 


10:12:03 AM  

Representative Sirota proceeded to discuss the budget for the Office of Respondent Parents' Counsel, the Child Protection Ombudsman, and other judicial-related quasi independent agencies.  Questions were raised about memorandums of understanding and administrative support. 



10:23:38 AM  

Representative Bockenfeld presented the Department of Law proposed budget and discussed priorities. 

Representative Bockenfeld presented the Department of  Public Safety (DPS) budget. 

Discussion folowed about one-tme funds and grant programs.  The JBC members explained supplemental budget requests. 


Department of Public Safety Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

10:50:33 AM  

Stan Hilkey, Executive Director, introduced himself and others from DPS on the agenda. 

The DPS SMART Act presentation may be viewed here:

11:04:51 AM  

Joe Thome, Director, Division of Criminal Justice, responded to questions about SB22-145, resources to increase community safety.  Committee discussion ensued about programs, recruitment, grant management, and funding. 



11:23:27 AM  

Jana Locke, Deputy Executive Director,  answered questions about school safety.  Committee discussion followed about Safe 2 Tell.  

Committee conversation returned to grant funding and reaching out to local grassroots agencies.

11:30:13 AM  

John Camper, outgoing Director, Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI), and Chris Schaeffer, incoming Director, discusssed investigations, forensics, cold cases, hate crime data, identity theft, financial fraud, and other services at CBI. 

Committee members asked questions about the increase in hate crimes.  They also questioned how hate crime data is collected and classified.  Members continued the discussion about data, missing persons, and guns.  



12:06:28 PM  

Director Hilkey wrapped up the DPS presentation.

12:11:04 PM  

Mr. Mark Smesrud,  representing Center for Employment Opportunities, testified about workforce development services to individuals returning home from incarceration.  He distributed a handout about his organization's evidence-based program models (Attachment A).  

Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

12:17:05 PM  

The following individuals presented about the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ):  Stan Hilkey, Chair; Dr. Abigail Tucker, Vice Chair, and Joe Thome, referenced above from the DPS presentation.

The CCJJ presentation material may be found here:

Department of Law Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

12:42:38 PM  

Attorney General Phil Weiser presented about the Department of Law priorities and legislative agenda for the upcoming year.   He discussed defending Colorado laws and touched upon issues such as mental health support, fentanyl, peace officer retention, motor vehicle theft, consumer protection, medical debt, droughts, and water. 

01:32:28 PM  

Committee members asked questions about the law enforcemen officer work force and ethical decision making training, consent decree in Aurora, payday loans, water, housing, corporate fraud, opioid recovery, and red flag laws. 

02:10:14 PM  

Committee discussion followed about peace officer resignations.

Natalie Hanlon Leh joined Attorney General Weiser at the table to answer questions from the committee. 



Office of Public Guardianship Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

02:19:43 PM  

Sophia Alvarez, Executive Director of the Office of Public Guardianship (OPG), updated the committee on the OPG.  Her presentation is located here:

Chair Bennet-Woods and Spencer Crona, board member, made comments about the importance and necessity of the office.

Committee members asked questions about funding and the scope and practice of the office.  

Maureen Welch, representing self and Navigating Disability Colorado, testified about the OPG and expressed concerns about the overuse of guardianships.

Ms. Coral Cosway, representing Alzheimer's Association of Colorado, testified about the OPG.

Office of the Child's Representative Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

03:04:08 PM  

Chris Henderson, Executive Director,  and Ashley Chase, Staff Attorney and Legislative Liaison, updated the committee on the Office of the Child's Representative.  Their presentation is located here:

Committee members asked questions about independent contractors and case loads. 

Child Protection Ombudsman Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

03:21:19 PM  

Jordan Steffen, Deputy Ombudsman, presented on behalf of the Child Protection Ombudsman.   The presentation is located at this link:


Office of the State Public Defender Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

03:42:01 PM  

Megan Ring, Colorado State Public Defender, updated the committee on the activities of the Office of the Public Defender. 

Committee members asked questions about workplace retention, fentanyl, and population served. 

James Karbach, Director of Legislative Policy and Organizational Communication, discussed SMART Act reporting requirements. 


04:22:12 PM

 Senator Gonzales made closing comments. 

04:23:44 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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