48AA619356BB8DDE87258936007C711F Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For SMART ACT PRESENTATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOODJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT EDUCATIONDate Jan 13, 2023 Location Old State Library SMART Act Presentation from the Department of Early Childhood - Committee Discussion Only 03:40:10 PM Dr. Lisa Roy, Department of Early Childhood (DEC) Executive Director, presented the DEC's SMART Act presentation to the committee. Presentation materials are available here: https://leg.colorado.gov/content/hed2023asmartact. DEC's presentation focused on the department's priorities, implementation of universal preschool, stimulus funding implementation, early childhood workforce, community and family support programs, and the department's legislative, regulatory, and budget priorities. 03:41:43 PM Colleen Lynn, representing DEC, continued DEC's presentation. 03:59:14 PM Mary Alice Cohen, representing DEC, continued the department's presentation. 04:21:42 PM CDE panelists responded to committee members' questions. 04:21:56 PM Michael Cooke, Early Childhood Transition Director, responded to committee members' questions. 04:22:40 PM Tom Massey, representing DEC, continued the department's presentation. 04:27:59 PM Michelle Stillwell-Parvensky, representing DEC, continued the department's presentation. 04:28:23 PM Jeanni Stefanik, representing DEC, wrapped up the department's presentation.