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I_TLRC_2022A 09/20/2022 08:38:31 AM Committee Summary

Date 09/20/2022
Boesenecker *
Bridges X
Catlin X
Gray X
Hansen *
Hisey *
Hooton E
Huffman *
Lindsay X
Pico *
Rich *
Scott *
Sullivan X
Valdez A. *
Valdez D. *
Van Beber E
Froelich X
Winter X
Time 08:38:31 AM to 03:49:35 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Winter
This Report was prepared by April Bernard
Hearing Items Action Taken
Presentation from Regional Transportation District Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Bicycle Colorado and Denver Streets Partnership Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Toyota Committee Discussion Only
Division of Motor Vehicles Update Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Colorado Department of Transportation on Senate Bill 22-180 Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Front Range Passenger Rail District Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Colorado Association of Transit Agencies Committee Discussion Only
Panel on Local Transportation and Senate Bill 22-180 Committee Discussion Only
Interim Bill Draft Approvals Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Committee Discussion Only

08:39:40 AM
Senator Winter made
introductory remarks.

Presentation from Regional Transportation District - Committee Discussion Only

08:39:59 AM  
Debra Johnson, General
Manager, and Vince Buzek, Board Chair, representing the Regional Transportation
District (RTD) presented an update to the committee (Attachment A).

08:41:15 AM  
Mr. Buzek provided
introductory remarks and a history of the organization.  Ms. Johnson
provided information on the strategic plan, employees, the transit environment,
the zero fare program, the system optimization plan, and the fare study.

08:44:48 AM  
Ms. Johnson detailed
RTD's strategic plan, including RTD's work as a community partner; the
importance of employee ownership; public funding; and focusing on the value
of service provided, rather than ridership volume.

08:47:59 AM  
Ms. Johnson talked
about employment concerns, including an employee shortage, as well as a
collective bargaining agreement that includes a salary increase.  

08:50:44 AM  
Ms. Johnson discussed
the environment on public transit and at stations.  She indicated
that RTD is working through issues at Denver Union Station in collaboration
with the City and County of Denver.  

08:52:40 AM  
Ms. Johnson talked
about crime prevention at stations through the creation of an environment
that promotes transportation activities.  She talked about cooperation
between multiple jurisdictions to bolster security.  

08:54:32 AM  
Ms. Johnson discussed
RTD transit impact teams as a complement to current solutions and the provision
of mental health and homeless outreach, as well as community outreach.
08:56:15 AM  
Ms. Johnson talked
about the Zero Fare for Better Air program, implemented in August to reduce
emmissions from single occupancy vehicles.  Ms. Johnson discussed
involvement with community groups and indicated that a report on the program
would be forthcoming, including data and community surveys.  

09:00:23 AM  
Ms. Johnson discussed
the system optimization plan which optimizes the transit network for a
particular area, prioritizing needs with social equity in mind.  She
indicated that RTD is improving cost efficiency with state of good repair
09:02:14 AM  
Ms. Johnson shared
that the plan focuses on a high quality transit network and corridors to
maximize coverage through partnerships that bolster connectivity.  

09:03:27 AM  
Ms. Johnson outlined
the fare study, noting that equity is an important focus.  She discussed
an alignment of fares with services, as well as the complexity of the system,
in determining fares.  Ms. Johnson shared the scope of the analysis,
including a review of fare structure with regards to Title VI, other agency
fares, and community evaluation of options.

09:06:57 AM  
Ms. Johnson answered
questions related to the environment at Civic Center Station, including
the shifting of challenges to other locations as problems at Union Station
are addressed.
09:09:21 AM  
There was a discussion
about the fare system, especially how to switch from old to new systems
so that customers will not lose funds.
09:11:32 AM  
Ms. Johnson discussed
customer value over ridership volume, including achieving the best service;
providing a user friendly fare system that is comparable to other systems;
and offering services at a lower cost.
09:13:42 AM  
Ms. Johnson discussed
transportation equity for riders traveling to the airport for work versus
09:16:04 AM  
Ms. Johnson talked
about infrastructure, including tracks and signaling at railroad crossings,
and bus stops.  Ms. Johnson indicated that RTD works with partners
to maintain bus stops.
09:20:27 AM  
Ms. Johnson discussed
RTD's six year transition plan to electric vehicles, including the creaton
of a zero emission vehicle ad hoc committee.  She said that the fleet
currently includes 36 battery electric buses; but 17 vehicles were ordered.
 Ms. Johnson talked about clean diesel vehicles as part of the current
There was a discussion about the lack of standards for vehicles in the
transit space.
09:24:30 AM  
There was a discussion
about comparing the Zero Fare for Better Air Program and tax credits for
employers offering low cost passes.  The fare study and equity analysis
may provide additional information.

09:27:47 AM  
There was a discussion
about partnerships, including equity and community input.  Ms. Johnson
highlighted regional counsels starting in 2023 to provide feedback.

Presentation from Bicycle Colorado and Denver Streets Partnership - Committee Discussion Only

09:33:50 AM  
Piep van Heuven, representing Bicycle Colorado, and Jill Locantore, representing Denver Streets Partnership, provided a presentation to the committee (Attachment B).
09:34:57 AM  
Ms. van Heuven provided
background about Bicycle Colorado.  Ms. Locantore provided background
about the Denver Streets Partnership.  

09:38:11 AM  
Ms. van Hueven outlined
traffic fatality statistics.  She talked about the fatalities as a
public health issue and compared the fatalities to other important issues.

09:39:41 AM  
Ms. van Hueven stated
that the highest risk groups include seniors, motorcyclists, bicyclists,
and pedestrians.  She said that people of color, those with lower
incomes, and children are also at greater risk.  Ms. van Hueven talked
about speed as a primary factor in deaths.

09:42:09 AM  
The groups discussed
speed cameras and street design as strategies to address deaths related
to speeding.
09:49:04 AM  
Ms. van Hueven identified
the benefits of automated enforcement, including effectiveness in changing
behavior and equitable enforcement.  Automated enforcement and state
laws were discussed, including the inability to use this strategy on busy
streets.  Ms. Locantore answered questions about automated enforcement
and the use of the technology on offenses other than traffic related.

Presentation from Toyota - Committee Discussion Only

10:12:04 AM  
Edmond Young, representing
Toyota, provided a presentation on fuel cells (Attachment C).  Mr.
Young outlined Toyota's decarbonization efforts.  
10:14:25 AM  
Mr. Young talked
about the operation of hybrid fuel cells and hydrogen fuel stations.  He
outlined the use of fuel cells in over-the-road trucks, including a test
of the cells in partnership with Kenworth.  

10:24:58 AM  
Mr. Young discussed
Toyota's collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
to advance megawatt-scale fuel cell systems.
10:26:51 AM  
Mr. Young discussed
the designation of a highways, such as I-76, I-70, and I-25, as corridors
where hydrogen and other alternative fueling stations may be built.

10:30:36 AM  
Mr. Young answered
questions about the fuel cell testing program, including the future of
the program.
10:34:38 AM  
The weight of trucks
and the hydrogen onboard fuel tank for trucks were discussed.

Division of Motor Vehicles Update - Committee Discussion Only

10:41:25 AM  
Mark Ferrandino,
Executive Director representing the Department of Revenue (DOR), Electra
Bustle, Senior Director representing the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV),
and Rosalie Johnson, Deputy Senior Director representing DMV, provided
an update to the committee (Attachment D).

10:43:38 AM  
Ms. Bustle introduced
division staff, Ben Mitchell, Director of Driver Control; Adam Wilms, Director
of Vehicle Services; and Laurie Dagle, Director of Driver Licenses.  She
provided background about the division's vision and mission, as well as
services provided.  Ms. Bustle indicated that the focus is on the
customer and the division is using technology to work more efficiently.
 She provided facts about the division, including that the division
has: 600 staff members; 36 driver license offices; 50 kiosks in 13 counties
for motor vehice transactions; 58 emission stations; and 405 emission inspectors.
 In 2021 the division collected $1.4 billion in fees and ownership
10:47:32 AM  
Ms. Bustle outlined
the division's guiding principles and partnerships with counties.

10:49:57 AM  
Ms. Bustle talked
about division accomplishments, including the iconic Colorado credential
contest which won an international award, and an improved customer experience
with decreased wait times, call center updates to return customer calls,
and the use of a chat bot.
10:56:26 AM  
Ms. Bustle talked
about the appointment system, allowing for customers to select a convenient
time and for managers to better schedule employees.  She indicated
that the division is serving the same number of people as they were prior
to the COVID-19 pandemic, but wait times have been shortened by one minute.
 Ms. Bustle said that customers are spending less than 30 minutes
in the office and their satiisfaction rate is at 94 percent.  She
said that the division is exploring customer upload of documents so division
employees ensure that all documents for a transaction are at the office
and correct.
11:00:52 AM  
Ms. Bustle shared
that the management team has won awards related to commercial driver licenses,
innovation, and management.  Ms. Bustle talked about at home testing
for driver license permits.  She touched on the CDL Drone program,
which audits commercial driver license (CDL) testing.  The drone can
detect whether or not safety checks are being performed or testers are
providing information after a person fails a test.
11:04:12 AM  
Ms. Bustle discussed
the DMV2Go program which includes vehicles (a recreational vehicle and
two sport utility vehicles) that travel to customers.  There are three
full service stations and handicap access in the recreational vehicle.
 Ms. Bustle said that the vehicles have traveled to rural communities
and customers near the Marshall fire area.  The division may expand
partnerships to visit schools, nursing communities, homeless individuals,
or refugees.
11:07:00 AM  
Ms. Bustle detailed
PockeTalk, a mobile tool that translates 83 different languages to assist
non-English speakers.  The division is gathering data about the use
of the tool and will share the information.
11:08:48 AM  
Ms. Bustle provided
information about the Online Driving Knowledge Test program that provides
the written test to drivers at home through the division website.  Sixty
percent of customers using this method are taking the test outside of hours.

11:10:25 AM  
Ms. Bustle provided
a legislation update.  She talked about the types of license plates
available, 200 total.  She also detailed how license plates are created.

11:18:58 AM  
Ms. Bustle provided
a DRIVES update and indicated that updates will be made in fiscal year
11:21:18 AM  
Ms. Bustle talked
about the upcoming year, including more work on customer service, updates
to systems, digital identification, and safety.  DMV2Go will continue
to expand and include shelters, jails, and unhoused individuals.  She
said that digital identification will be available on Apple phones first
and that the division is working on E-signatures and the self-service customer
portal. She discussed deaths on highways and the connection to licensing.
 Ms. Bustle talked about more education, including partnerships with
the State Patrol and Department of Transportation.

11:26:05 AM  
Ms. Bustle talked
about the division's position vacancy rate, six to fifteen percent, and
challenges related to hiring, including that employees staffing the office
must be in person.
11:27:00 AM  
There was a discussion
about the implementation of House Bill 22-1254 Vehicle Taxes and Fees Late
Registration.  Ms. Bustle indicated that programming is underway and
will include an education component.  She stated that a little over
one million people are late in registering their vehicles.

11:31:17 AM  
Driver testing and
special license plates were discussed.
11:35:06 AM  
License plates for
fleet vehicles were discussed, including the committee's Draft Bill 1 Regulation
of Motor Vehicle Fleets and the associated fiscal note.  
11:39:58 AM  
The committee took a brief recess.

Presentation from Colorado Department of Transportation on Senate Bill 22-180 - Committee Discussion Only

12:33:20 PM  
The committee came back to order.
12:44:07 PM  
Brian Metzgar and
Andy Karsian, representing the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT),
presented information on Senate Bill 22-180 Programs to Reduce Ozone through
Increased Transit (Attachment E).  The presentation started with Multimodal
Opportunity Fund (MMOF) distributions, including Bustang maintenance.
12:48:15 PM  
Mr. Metzgar indicated
that prelimnary free fare numbers show an increase in ridership as a result
of participation in the Zero Fare Initiative.  He stated that half
price tickets offered by Bustang and Pegasus services resulted in a 63
percent increase in ridership.
12:53:42 PM  
Mr. Karsian answered
questions about the drop in highway expansion.  He indicated that
CDOT is exploring measures to assist with traffic volume without adding
lanes, including a bus lane on the shoulders of highways; additional Bustang
services; and Front Range Passenger Rail.

12:56:59 PM  
There was a discussion
about Bustang, including Union Station access and the maintenance budget.
 Mr. Karsian answered questions about plans for the central Denver
I-25 corridor.
01:03:16 PM  
Mr. Karsian talked
about the use of bridges and ramps on I-25 as measures to add capacity
to the highway.  He stated that CDOT is also exploring partnerships
related to public transit and that  Revitalizing Main Street funding
may be useful in providing last mile access.

01:11:34 PM  
Mr. Karsian addressed
questions related to transit in rural areas and transportation plans.

Presentation from Front Range Passenger Rail District - Committee Discussion Only

01:19:59 PM  
Jim Souby, Chair
Board of Directors representing Front Range Passenger Rail (FRPR); Jill
Gaebler, Vice Chair Board of Directors representing FRPR; and Andy Karsian,
Interim General Manager representing FRPR, provided an update (Attachment
F).  Mr. Souby provided background on FRPR.

01:21:57 PM  
Mr. Souby indicated
that the district has a framework and guidelines for its work and will
work on a plan to implement FRPR.  Ms. Gaebler talked about the future
of the district and current structure of the board, administrative functions,
and a service development plan.
01:24:57 PM  
Mr. Karsian talked
about his role in the creation of FRPR.  He talked about the service
plan, an essential document required by the federal government.  The
district will use $1.9 million for work on the plan and administrative
functions.  He added that a number of stakeholders are involved.

01:28:36 PM  
There was a discussion
about use of the current right away for the rail because of future ridership
and current operation of the right away by a rail provider, Amtrak.  The
cost of the rail was discussed, $5 to 10 billion.

Presentation from Colorado Association of Transit Agencies - Committee Discussion Only

01:32:40 PM  
Ann Rajewski, Executive
Director representing the Colorado Association of Transit Agencies (CASTA),
provided an update (Attachment G).  She talked about recent funding
for transit and  testing for transit drivers.
01:36:04 PM  
Ms. Rajewski talked
about current challenges in transit, including supply chain issues, material
costs, and staffing. She talked about problems accessing parts for maintenance,
as well as receiving new buses.  Ms. Rajewski discussed a shortage
of supervisors and increased salary costs.
01:39:03 PM  
Ms. Rajewski provided
an update on the post-COVID environment.  She stated that the number
of urban riders has fallen, while resort areas have increased ridership.
 She indicated that in rural areas transportation use has bounced
back, since these populations use transportation more.  

01:42:14 PM  
Ms. Rajewski talked
about the  Zero Fare for Better Air programs for smaller transit agencies.
 She indicated that CASTA created a Facebook page in geographic areas
to notify the community; radio ads in English and Spanish; and a toolkit
for agency use.  She said that fifteen transit agencies provided free
service, while seventeen agencies already provide services with no fee
year round.  In the future, CASTA will begin work earlier to include
other agencies.  Ms. Rajewski stated that some agencies were not able
to participate due to a lack of drivers and staff and the inability to
provide overflow services in the case of crowding.

01:45:31 PM  
Ms. Rajewski said
that ridership increased in communities that participated in the Zero Fare
for Better Air program.
01:49:01 PM  
There was a discussion
about continuing to increase transit use.  Ms. Rajewski talked about
the innovation of agencies in the state and the ability of agencies to
look at gaps and determine how to fill them.  

Panel on Local Transportation and Senate Bill 22-180 - Committee Discussion Only

01:56:56 PM  
Amanda Mansfield,
Senior Manager of Transportation representing  Boulder Transportation
Connections (BTC) and the Boulder Chamber, provided information on Senate
Bill 22-180 Programs to Reduce Ozone through Increased Transit.  A
packet of materials was provided (Attachment H).  She introduced Devin
Edgley, Policy Programs Specialist representing the Boulder Chamber and
BTC, and Jonathan Singer, Senior Director of Policy Programs representing
Boulder Chamber and BTC.
01:59:29 PM  
Ms. Mansfield talked
about the integration of BTC with Boulder Chamber and accomplishments for
the organizations in 2022, including the Zero Fare for Better Air campaign.
 Ms. Mansfield outlined legislative work for the organization; a Strategic
Transportation Demand Management Innovation grant received by the agency;
local community advocacy; and project implementation.
02:06:32 PM  
She outlined future
projects, including community and business interaction; the organization's
role on projects; legislation; support of employers in pursuing a tax credits
for transit passes; and electric bike rebate programs.

02:08:27 PM  
Ms. Mansfield outlined
BTC legislative priorities for the upcoming session, including funding
for local transit and transit management organizations; continuation of
free fare transit in the summer; addressing operator shortages; and increasing
public funding for public transportation.

02:10:54 PM  
Ms. Mansfield talked
about stratgies for the successful implementation of BTC programs, including
involving stakeholders and spreading the funding load.
02:14:09 PM  
Ben Valdez, Director
representing Pueblo Transit, provided information about the organization.
 He talked about the organizational history, the 15 fixed routes offered
to residents, and the Kids Ride Free program.  Mr. Valdez indicated
that the kids program offers free rides to school for students and was
recently expanded with American Rescue Plan Act funds to include covering
the cost of a parent riding transit with the child during the commute to
02:17:26 PM  
Mr. Valdez stated
that the agency has a $6.2 million annual budget, including federal and
city funds.  The agency also offers the Colorado State Fair shuttle
for free each year, with ridership up by 22 percent.

02:19:36 PM  
Mr. Valdez talked
about efforts to electrify the agency's fleet by 2031.  He stated
that costs and delivery times on vehicles could hamper efforts.  He
indicated that diesel hybrid vehicles will be used until Pueblo Transit
is able to expand to an all electric vehicle fleet.  Mr. Valdez talked
about future efforts, including service to the airport on the east side
of the city and a van pool to move the workforce.  Mr. Valdez closed
with a discussion on a partnership with Bustang to provide transportation
from Lamar to Pueblo and the San Luis Valley to Pueblo, with both lines
traveling on to Colorado Springs.

02:22:04 PM  
Mr. Valdez talked
about how smaller transit vehicles, accomodating 40 to 45 passengers, provide
95 percent coverage of the agency's service area.  

02:24:10 PM  
Sarah Curtis, Executive
Director representing All Points Transit, provided information about the
organization (Attachment I).  She talked about the agency's service
area, employment needs, the operating budget, Dial-A-Ride, and the Montrose
Public Flex Bus.
02:28:52 PM  
Ms. Curtis talked
about the role of All Transit as an information resource, answering questions
and facilitating rides for veterans and connections to Bustang.  She
explained that ridership in the Montrose area is 60 to 70 percent below
pre-COVID-19 pandemic numbers, perhaps due to employee shortages, grocery
delivery services, and cancelled programs.

02:32:47 PM  
Ms. Curtis provided
information on future projects, including Multimodal Operation funds for
planning and microtransit.  She shared that the agency is working
on building its own transit facility in Montrose.

Interim Bill Draft Approvals - Committee Discussion Only

02:37:53 PM  
Jason Gelender, representing
the Office of Legislative Legal Services, provided an introduction to the
bill approval process.
02:38:32 PM  
Senator Winter asked
that each committee member provide information about their proposed bill,
including the stakeholder process.
02:40:19 PM  
Senator Winter talked
about Bill Draft 1 concerning the registration of motor vehicles that are
part of a motor vehicle fleet.  She touched on presentations to the
committee from Enterprise-Rent-A-Car and the Division of Motor Vehicles
regarding challenges in obtaining license plates for fleet vehicles.  She
outlined current stakeholding for the proposed committee bill.

02:41:54 PM  
Senator Winter responded
to questions from the committee, including explaining Amendment #1 for
Bill Draft 1 (Attachment J).
02:44:04 PM  
Representative Huffman
explained Bill Draft 2 concerning a requirement that motor vehicle drivers
take certain actions to mitigate the risk their vehicles present to stationary
vehicles on the road, as well as Amendment #2 to Bill Draft 2 (Attachment
K).  Representative Huffman talked about stakeholding efforts and
answered questions.
02:51:26 PM  
Senator Winter talked
about Bill Draft 3 concerning yielding to larger vehicles in roundabouts.

02:52:48 PM  
Senator Winter provided
information about Bill Draft 4 concerning automated vehicle identification
systems.  Senator Winter withdrew Bill Draft 4.

02:53:53 PM  
Senator Winter explained
Bill Draft 5 concerning authority for the Department of Transportation
to construct electric vehicle charging systems along highway rights-of-way,
including rest areas, when federal law no loner prohibits the construction
of such charging systems.  Senator Winter withdrew Bill Draft 5.

02:54:16 PM  
Representative D.
Valdez explained Bill Draft 6 concerning a transfer from the General Fund
to the State Highay Fund to provide additional funding for CDOT's Off-System
Bridge program.  He also explained Amendment #1 to Bill Draft 6(Attachment
02:56:34 PM  
Representative D.
Valdez explained Bill Draft 7 concerning a transfer from the General Fund
to the State Highway Fund to provide additional funds to improve rest stop
areas across Colorado.  Representative D. Valdez also discussed Amendment
#1 to Bill Draft 7 (Attachment M).

02:58:08 PM  
Representative Pico
discussed Bill Draft 8 concerning the replacement of a catalytic converter
that has been stolen from a motor vehicle.

03:02:18 PM  
Representative Pico
answered questions about the bill draft.
03:05:04 PM  
Senator Winter explained
Bill Draft 9 concerning the regulation of licensing a minor to drive a
motor vehicle.  She answered questions about the bill.

03:08:21 PM  
Senator Winter explained
Bill Draft 10 concerning the enforcement of safety requirements for intrastate
motor vehicle carriers.
03:10:27 PM  
Representative Gray
provided an overview of Bill Draft 1 and further explained Amendment #1
to Bill Draft 1 (Attachment J).

03:14:40 PM
Motion Adopt Amendment #1 (Attachment J) to Bill Draft 1.
Moved Gray
Hooton Excused
Valdez A.
Valdez D.
Van Beber Excused
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:15:43 PM
Motion Refer Draft Bill 1 to Legislative Council for approval as a Transportation Legislation Review Committee bill.
Moved Froelich
Boesenecker Yes
Bridges Yes
Catlin Yes
Gray Yes
Hansen Yes
Hisey Yes
Hooton Excused
Huffman Yes
Lindsay Yes
Pico Yes
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A. Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Beber Excused
Froelich Yes
Winter Yes
YES: 15   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:16:38 PM
Motion Adopt Amendment #2 (Attachment K) to Bill Draft 2.
Moved Huffman
Hooton Excused
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A.
Valdez D.
Van Beber Excused
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:17:52 PM
Motion Refer Bill Draft 2 to Legislative Council for approval as a Transportation Legislation Review Committee bill.
Moved Froelich
Boesenecker No
Bridges Yes
Catlin Yes
Gray Yes
Hansen Yes
Hisey Yes
Hooton Excused
Huffman Yes
Lindsay Yes
Pico Yes
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A. No
Valdez D. No
Van Beber Excused
Froelich No
Winter Yes
YES: 11   NO: 4   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:18:14 PM  
There was discussion
about Bill Draft 3.

03:20:18 PM
Motion Refer Bill Draft 3 to Legislative Council for approval as a Transportation Legislation Review Committee bill.
Moved Froelich
Boesenecker Yes
Bridges Yes
Catlin Yes
Gray Yes
Hansen Yes
Hisey Yes
Hooton Excused
Huffman Yes
Lindsay Yes
Pico Yes
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A. No
Valdez D. Yes
Van Beber Excused
Froelich Yes
Winter Yes
YES: 14   NO: 1   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:21:01 PM
Motion Adopt Amendment #1 (Attachment L) to Bill Draft 6.
Moved Valdez D.
Hooton Excused
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A.
Valdez D.
Van Beber Excused
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
03:21:10 PM  
There was discussion
about Bill Draft 6.

03:24:26 PM
Motion Refer Bill Draft 6 to Legislative Council for approval as a Transportation Legislation Review Committee bill.
Moved Froelich
Boesenecker No
Bridges No
Catlin Yes
Gray No
Hansen No
Hisey Yes
Hooton Excused
Huffman Yes
Lindsay No
Pico No
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A. Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Beber Excused
Froelich No
Winter No
YES: 7   NO: 8   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

03:25:04 PM
Motion Adopt Amendment #1 (Attachment M) to Bill Draft 7.
Moved Valdez D.
Hooton Excused
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A.
Valdez D.
Van Beber Excused
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
03:25:39 PM  
There was discussion
about Bill Draft 7.

03:27:14 PM
Motion Refer Bill Draft 7 to Legislative Council for approval as a Transportation Legislation Review Committee bill.
Moved Froelich
Boesenecker No
Bridges No
Catlin Yes
Gray No
Hansen No
Hisey No
Hooton Excused
Huffman No
Lindsay No
Pico No
Rich Yes
Scott No
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A. Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Beber Excused
Froelich No
Winter No
YES: 4   NO: 11   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
03:27:41 PM  
There was discussion
about Bill Draft 8.

03:29:36 PM
Motion Refer Bill Draft 8 to Legislative Council for approval as a Transportation Legislation Review Committee bill.
Moved Froelich
Boesenecker No
Bridges Yes
Catlin Yes
Gray No
Hansen No
Hisey Yes
Hooton Excused
Huffman Yes
Lindsay No
Pico Yes
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A. No
Valdez D. Yes
Van Beber Excused
Froelich No
Winter No
YES: 8   NO: 7   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
03:29:37 PM  
The motion failed
as a majority of the committee, or 10 members,  did not approve the
03:30:28 PM  
There was discussion
about Bill Draft 9.

03:32:23 PM
Motion Refer Bill Draft 9 to Legislative Council for approval as a Transportation Legislation Review Committee bill.
Moved Froelich
Boesenecker Yes
Bridges Yes
Catlin Yes
Gray Yes
Hansen Yes
Hisey No
Hooton Excused
Huffman No
Lindsay Yes
Pico No
Rich No
Scott Yes
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A. Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Beber Excused
Froelich Yes
Winter Yes
YES: 11   NO: 4   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:32:43 PM  
There was discussion
about Bill Draft 10.

03:33:52 PM
Motion Refer Bill Draft 10 to Legislative Council for approval as a Transportation Legislation Review Committee bill.
Moved Froelich
Boesenecker Yes
Bridges Yes
Catlin Yes
Gray Yes
Hansen Yes
Hisey No
Hooton Excused
Huffman Yes
Lindsay Yes
Pico Yes
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Excused
Valdez A. Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Beber Excused
Froelich Yes
Winter Yes
YES: 14   NO: 1   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:33:54 PM  
The committee discussed
bill sponsors and in which chamber the bill will originate for Bill Draft
1 concerning the registration of motor vehicles that are part of a motor
vehicle fleet.  Prime sponsors include Senator Bridges, Representative
Froelich,  Senator Hisey, and Representative Rich.  Co-sponsors
include Representative Boesenecker, Represenatative Catlin, Representative
Lindsay, Represenative Huffman, Representative A. Valdez, and Senator Winter.
 The bill will originate in the House
03:36:26 PM  
The committee discussed
bill sponsors and in which chamber the bill will originate for Bill Draft
2 concerning a requirement that motor vehicle drivers take certain actions
to mitigate the risk their vehicles present to stationary vehicles on the
road.  Prime sponsors include Senator Bridges, Representative Huffman,
and Representative Rich.  Co-sponsors include Representative Lindsay
and Senator Winter. The bill will originate in the House.

03:37:21 PM  
The committee discussed
bill sponsors and in which chamber the bill will originate for Bill Draft
3 concerning yielding to larger vehicles in roundabouts.

Boesenecker and Senator Winter are prime sponsors.  Representatives
Huffman and Lindsay are co-sponsors.  The bill will originate in the
03:38:04 PM  
The committee discussed
bill sponsors and in which chamber the bill will originate for Bill Draft
9 concerning the regulation of licensing a minor to drive a motor vehicle.
 Prime sponsors include Representative Boesenecker, Representative
Lindsay, and Senator Winter.  Representative A. Valdez will co-sponsor.
 The bill will start in the Senate.

03:39:00 PM  
The committee discussed
bill sponsors and in which chamber the bill will originate for Bill Draft
10 concerning the enforcement of safety requirements for intrastate motor
vehicle carriers.  Representative Catlin, Representative Froelich,
and Senator Winter areprime sponsors. Co-sponsors include Representatives
 Huffman and Lindsay.  The bill will originate in the Senate
03:40:08 PM  
Legislative Legal
Services has the authority to make technical changes to the bill drafts,
as there was no objection from committee members.

Public Testimony - Committee Discussion Only

03:41:11 PM  
Skylar McKinley,
representing the American Automobile Association, testified on slow down
and move over legislation.
03:43:07 PM  
Travis Hoxie, representing
Enterprise Rent-A-Car, testified on committee Bill Draft 1.

03:44:39 PM
Committee members
made comments.

03:49:35 PM   The committee adjourned.